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Messages - Borric

Pages: 1 [2]
The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: January 02, 2014, 07:50:08 pm »
I think Curethan means, Kellhus inadvertently alerted the emperor by looking at his advisor in some odd manner.

As for Moe not being behind the hit on the SS base?

I thought that’s what the TTT was all about.
Send his Son to organise a Holy war for his other, Dunyain Son to use, so he could ultimately unite the three seas and destroy the Consult in order to save the world.
He needed a school with a real chance of beating the Cish, and the Imperial Saik would not cut it.
Hell the SS lost to the Cish as it was, and they were the most powerful school available. (Were it not for Kellhus last minute rescue)

Well no one has anything to offer on the Consult being in any way to blame for the hit.
It was never my understanding that they were, but i do remember others stating it as fact in previous posts.
I was looking for any evidence for that argument, because i have a nagging feeling there was something...

The Thousandfold Thought / Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: December 16, 2013, 07:40:18 pm »
We have the account of Eleazaras.
Clearly stating that three Cish walked through a portal into their inner sanctum and proceeded to nuke the joint.
The description of the attackers mentions empty eye sockets (but no snakes around necks)
Also, energy emanating from their foreheads.

So let’s assume it was the Cishaurim.
That would mean Moe was the author of the attack.
Dragging the Spires into the Holy War and providing it, with a powerful enough school to get the job done. 

However, I have heard others state their assumption that the Consult carried out the attack.
That the consult were concerned about a recent development at Shimeh.
Namely the Chishaurims ability (actually its Moe’s Dunyain ability) to discover their skin spies.
And that’s why they were attempting to manipulate Xerius into assisting the Holy War.
If it was the consult, why could Eleazaras see no blemish from sorcery?
Who exactly were these eyeless assassins if not Cishaurim?

So which is it?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Side Effects of Eating Sranc
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:23:45 pm »
Iyokus was addicted to Chanv, the drug that held a greater part of the Ainoni ruling castes within its clasp- except, and this thought often surprised Eleazaras, for Chepheramunni, the latest puppet they had installed on the Ainoni throne.

It seems Skin spies consider it none to healthy.
(Even though it seems to be the norm)

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Khellus and the Emissary.
« on: November 13, 2013, 07:05:54 pm »
And again, why must Serwe hide her sorcery once they are in a certain range. 

I assumed that was for more practical reasons.
Automated Wards in place etc.

Serwe is simply a daughter, and handily able to use the cants of translocation. 

Whow, that’s one bold statement.
 I like it though.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Khellus and the Emissary.
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:51:53 pm »
Maybe the gods will show the Nomen his real face.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Khellus and the Emissary.
« on: October 28, 2013, 07:58:22 pm »
I would guess they will be the main opposition, along with Wracu.
Who else can the Consult field?  (Able to go head to head with the schools)
The Mangaecca are now a bunch of bobbing heads?
The Inchroi consist of two beings.
I’d venture that the Quya who sided with the Consult will be formidable indeed.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God?
« on: October 28, 2013, 07:32:03 pm »
It appears that the WLW/Kellhus situation is slowly building up to a moment resembling the stabbing of Moenghus the elder in TTT (but with Kellhus on the other end).

So it would seem, but I don’t believe it.
Sorweel has the same job right? Both sent by Yatwer?
Why would you need multiple assassins if one is a dead cert?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God?
« on: October 27, 2013, 05:43:36 pm »
It seems I was mistaken about who the custodian of the Heron spear was post Eleneöt.
I’d assumed Seswartha had secreted it away somewhere and kept it safe.
That’s why I found it surprising that he was not the person to use the weapon at Mengedda.
But according to the Wiki Anaxophus V was the custodian, and he was the one who kept it secret until its use.
Therefore it was only right that he should use it.

Hi Galbrod, I’m not suggesting it was manufactured with chorea.
Rather they were added at a later date.
Imbued was the wrong word to use?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God?
« on: October 27, 2013, 02:06:59 pm »
Really? I guess he did all the rabble rousing, but surely they Gods arn't so blind as to think he was the cause of all the death... Could they see him use the heron spear? Wonder what he would have been shoot at. If you couldn't see NG then I guess it would look like someone shot a giant beam of light which created some kind of terrible plague.

Going off on a tangent here. 
But he didn’t use the Heron spear.
He had the king leading the last defence use it.

Didn’t that seem odd to you guys? It did to me, I remember Seswartha shouting at the king to use it.
So why the hell didn’t he use it?, I’d put it down to prestige or something at the time.

But maybe there is more to it. Maybe the real reason he took NG along with him into the ark was because he cannot touch the spear.
Maybe its imbued with chorae, maybe that’s how they tracked it in the ark.

If any of that is true, then he would have needed a normal person to hide the spear.
Maybe some obscure sect he could securely hide in a mountain fortress he was privy to?
One who would wipe their collective minds of the past. Going as far as “chiselling rune sorceries from the walls”

For me Seswatha’s return will be through Akka.
He is experiencing more from the dreams than any other Mandati has ever has.
Maybe Maggot will turn out to be Nau-Cayûti  ;D

News/Announcements / Re: Welcome to the Second Apocalypse
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:28:28 pm »
I’d gotten the impression from the mass E-mail you sent out that the forum was over.
I’m glad to see that I had misunderstood, as that would have been very sad.
Thanks for the hard work Madness!

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