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Messages - Hiro

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News/Announcements / Re: Quorum
« on: July 31, 2017, 04:43:04 pm »
Quote from:  Wilshire
Probably no quorum. Don't count on it at least. Data indicates that not having it dramatically increases forum posting.

Uh hum, cough, cough. I think ive been saying that for at least 3 years! ;)

You know what else seems to boost forum posting... a new TSA release....  ;D

Author Q&A / Re: Unholy Consultation - *SUPER SPOILERIFIC*
« on: July 31, 2017, 02:23:39 pm »

A lot of the questions have been put forward and even answered already. Something I was wondering about, what was the ultimate point of the Serwa vs the Dragon scene? The Ordeal's fight to enter the Ark seemed futile, considering the context of the Golden Room, and I don't quite see what the Serwa scene does for the narrative. Serwa's feats had been legendary already, I did not feel or understand the necessity of this setpiece.

I'm not sure I get the question, even if it were the case that the battle lacked downstream consequences. To the extent that war is generally pointless, all war stories are mountains of futility with peaks of 'closure' here and there. I can't tell a realistic story without including dead ends. The Glossary is literally packed with them!

Thanks for your reaction. The point that you make about including dead ends is clear, and something that I do agree with.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Ranking the books after TUC
« on: July 30, 2017, 03:34:28 pm »
Tough one. For now:


The Unholy Consult / Re: (TUS SPoilers) Thoughts on TUC
« on: July 29, 2017, 12:05:50 pm »
Great post Ciogli, thanks.

A lot of stuff to ponder. Like what you write about Esmenet, very perceptive.

One thing I noticed is that you describe the possible Scylvendi army as a 'spear' and Zeum as another 'spear', against the No-God and his (its?) forces. Since the Ordeal has just been destroyed without too much trouble, and that was the largest host, sorcerous and non-sorcerous, assembled, I wonder whether we can consider anything left as a serious opposing force. Which is certainly an interesting situation.

An annoying nitpick from me skuthula is mentioned a few times to have Emerald burning eyes.

Ha, apparently I didn't make them emerald-y or burn-y enough to show up on the low-res images.  Here's a shot of the full-res face.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks, everyone.  Glad you all liked them.

They are absolutely wonderful. The feel, the atmosphere, the textures, as if coming from some other time and place. Fantastic!

The Unholy Consult / Re: Bakker Q&A Thread!
« on: July 28, 2017, 08:14:43 pm »
Awesome, raucously awesome Madness!

Author Q&A / Re: Unholy Consultation - *SUPER SPOILERIFIC*
« on: July 28, 2017, 08:14:00 pm »
Hi Scott,

Thank you very much for stopping by! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading TUC. Aside from the story, I was impressed by the dramatic/narrative pitch of this novel and your sustained ambiguity, even after seven novels. The thrill and enjoyment I felt, wondering 'can language do that?!' The reading experience was appropriately Gothic, as rain and thunder slashed the city around me.

You might have noticed that TUC has sparked a few *ahem* discussions here and there.

After a reread this year, I was looking forward to an apocalyptic ending, you did not disappoint. The what I call 'our salvation' scene had a particular ecstatic power, the tension between how the Ordeal experiences Kellhus descending versus the reader's foreknowledge of the Golden Room. It created a strong feeling of unreality. Thanks for clarifying the hologram.

The Umbilicus assassination scene was a highlight as well.

As for the 3rd series, my guess was 'The Second Apocalypse', not too far from 'The No-God', maybe.

A lot of the questions have been put forward and even answered already. Something I was wondering about, what was the ultimate point of the Serwa vs the Dragon scene? The Ordeal's fight to enter the Ark seemed futile, considering the context of the Golden Room, and I don't quite see what the Serwa scene does for the narrative. Serwa's feats had been legendary already, I did not feel or understand the necessity of this setpiece.

Thanks again for your time, and especially the time you devoted to forging this golden and twisted experience.

Number 6:

They just keep on coming...amazing stuff!

Numero Tres!


The textures, the

The Unholy Consult / TUC Jason Deem artwork (possible spoilers...?)
« on: July 20, 2017, 05:11:51 pm »
Not sure if anyone mentioned this already somewhere, searching for Jason Deem or Overlook did not bring up anything relevant.
Overlook has tweeted, in anticipation of the looooong awaited US release, two of his preview images. I hope more will follow. Even these are majestic!

First one:

Second one:

[EDIT Madness: Added the pictures.]






General Misc. / Re: Thread for the Threadless (Surrogate Quorum)
« on: July 19, 2017, 02:00:23 pm »
Just saw War for the Planet of the Apes. Superb film. Great presentation as well, Dolby Cinema, except for the 3D. This movie was just not photographed for that format, and I was longing to see it in 2D instead of this eyestraining conversion.

It sure is great acting from Serkis. Still, and however, if you look at Serkis's face and Caesar's, they are not exactly carbon copies. The VFX artists have done a marvelous job.

News/Announcements / Re: New forum Theme/look/format
« on: July 18, 2017, 02:21:12 pm »
It's like my senses need to adjust to the new look...

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: July 17, 2017, 08:33:07 am »
Welcome to the Slog!

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Nitpicks...
« on: July 15, 2017, 04:57:42 pm »
Nersei Eukernas II: Father of Nersei Proyas and King of Conriya.
Nersei Onoyas II: King of Conriya who first forged the alliance between the School of Mandate and House Nersei.
Nersei Proyas: The Crown Prince of Conriya.

Yes, that's the information we had from before, but on page 186 (TUC paperback):

Not so high above, the bound form of Proyas, blessed son of Queen Thaila and King Onoyas, swayed on slow revolution...

There's another mention of Proyas' father as Onoyas in TUC, but I can't find it right now.

The other mention, when Proyas is hanging, page 178 (ebook):

On his deathbed, proud Onoyas had called for his son knowing he would not come ... And yes, even hoping ... Because it mattered not at all, what a life makes of a soul.

I am not the least bit surprised, and not really disappointing. To have fully expected otherwise would be either wishful thinking or simply not paying much attention.

I have not read Cormac McCarthy.

Blood Meridian is certainly a tour de force.  That doesn't mean it is a book for everyone.  Obviously I would recommend it, because there are several things that McCarthy does that Bakker clearly emulates, like evoking something of scriptural tone and  theodicy (or something like it that I obviously don't know a smart word for).

Isn't Blood Meridian a western? Or, is it also fantasy too? I looked into it and thought it was a take on a Western, I could be wrong, and hell it might be fantastic. Westerns is just a genre I've never delved into.

It is a western. A dark one doesn't come close to describe it. Ink-black, primal-primordial, existential-poetic; perhaps.

It's a tough one. You could consider starting with McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses. Less bleak and stark. Albeit, not a walk in the park either.

His style is unique and worthwhile exploring.

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