Earwa > The Great Ordeal

[TGO Spoilers] Best bits of the Great Ordeal.

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The "Dunyain in extreme distress"- the madness, recollections, and insights of Kohringus. An amazing character who lived too short of a time in the books. One of my favorite descriptions was how he would run among the scranc, snorting like them to drive them into a frenzy- intertwined with his admission of how he stole his son, knowing he was "defective".  Great stuff, and I wish there was more!

Visualisation of the years in the Thousand Thousand halls battling, endlessly, sranc and nonmen. So awesome.

The descent into the holy deep I loved too. So many great moments in this book.

Cnaüir urs Skiötha, and his damned, smoking ruin of a soul. I don't think it was fan service. TBH, I think that he will have a critical role in TUC. If he doesnt, I will be hugely disappointed.

The Proyas/Kellhus talks and the way Kellhus just strips (literally) him bare, was great. So much revelation.

Ishterebinth. Sorweel has quickly become one of my favorite character, even though I was warming to him by the end of WLW. Ironically, after his revelation that Kellhus is his saviour, I still feel there is a huuuge chance that he will indeed do what the WLW couldn't. And, it's got me thinking, if Yatwer seen the death of Kellhus at the hands of the WLW, why would have she placed trust in Sorweel also? There's a thread in that question.

Yeah MSJ i thought the same thing, if it is "guaranteed" the WLW is going to do the biz what need of Sorweel.


--- Quote from: MSJ on July 15, 2016, 08:48:35 pm ---Cnaüir urs Skiötha, and his damned, smoking ruin of a soul. I don't think it was fan service. TBH, I think that he will have a critical role in TUC. If he doesnt, I will be hugely disappointed.

--- End quote ---

Bakker doesn't strike me as the type of author who would do that. Everything in his books is there for a reason and serves either narrative development, character development, or idea development (the philosophy of the series)

The nuke was the most surprising. Just hearing Kellhus telling everyone to run, the fear on Katyusus's face. Great scene of first tension, what's about to happen, and then destruction. Also meeting Kellhus's other son and the boy.

I loved seeing Cnaiur. I knew he wasn't done with the story. I had a crazy theory that he might end up being the no-god. Cnaiur, when he's traveling with Kellhus across the Scylvendi steppes, he stares at Kellhus and thinks over and over "What do you see?" And that question always makes me think No-God.


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