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Unholy Consultation - *SUPER SPOILERIFIC*

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WOW, thanks again for putting an end to our misery. You're clearing most of our excruciating doubts.

Scott, are you The God?  It would explain how the God can be both immanent (the books are composed of your thoughts) and transcendent.

The fact that the Judging Eye can see the No-God indicates that the God isn't asleep like Moe thought nor doesn't it care like Kellhus thought, since the very fact that Mimara possesses it indicates the God has some interest in the world, right?

Did you turn Kellhus into a baby (specifically Mimara's)?

edit: Oh, and the entire time I thought Kelmomas was supposed to be twin-souled, was he actually meant to represent non-conscious human thought via bicameralism?

edit 2: On skimming through the first-book again, I came to the conclusion that rage Kellhus feels when he sees Cnaiur rape Serwe must come from The God since Kellhus has no reason to feel such rage.  By the end of TTT, Kellhus is clearly communicating with The God.  At what point between the series did Kellhus convince himself that he wasn't a prophet and was there anything specific that pushed him in that direction?

edit 3: Sosering is one of the few Ordealmen described as being Saved as opposed to going to Hell.  Why is that?  Did he not engage in the rape and cannibalism or were there other contingent factors? Similarly, why is Esmenet saved?  Do sins only count if you commit them directly?  Does burning Caruthysal not count if you don't hold the torches yourself?

Nil Sertrax:
"...but hindsight is a motherfucker when it comes to threading those kinds of needles."  Perfect answer! 

Can you please clarify the meaning or symbolism of the "head on the pole behind you" imagery?

How did Serwa overcome the effects of the Agonic collar that she had on in Ishterebinth?

As I said, I have a million of them!  ;^) 

Hi Scott,

Thank you very much for stopping by! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading TUC. Aside from the story, I was impressed by the dramatic/narrative pitch of this novel and your sustained ambiguity, even after seven novels. The thrill and enjoyment I felt, wondering 'can language do that?!' The reading experience was appropriately Gothic, as rain and thunder slashed the city around me.

You might have noticed that TUC has sparked a few *ahem* discussions here and there.

After a reread this year, I was looking forward to an apocalyptic ending, you did not disappoint. The what I call 'our salvation' scene had a particular ecstatic power, the tension between how the Ordeal experiences Kellhus descending versus the reader's foreknowledge of the Golden Room. It created a strong feeling of unreality. Thanks for clarifying the hologram.

The Umbilicus assassination scene was a highlight as well.

As for the 3rd series, my guess was 'The Second Apocalypse', not too far from 'The No-God', maybe.

A lot of the questions have been put forward and even answered already. Something I was wondering about, what was the ultimate point of the Serwa vs the Dragon scene? The Ordeal's fight to enter the Ark seemed futile, considering the context of the Golden Room, and I don't quite see what the Serwa scene does for the narrative. Serwa's feats had been legendary already, I did not feel or understand the necessity of this setpiece.

Thanks again for your time, and especially the time you devoted to forging this golden and twisted experience.

Hi scott thanks for writing one of the most interesting and unique series out there and trying to challenge your readers. Side not I think tuc has some of the best passages in thr series I could not put it down.
I have some questions about the little boy that was following akky it felt a bit weird not having him around for tuc

There is some parts in tuc that seem a little but unclear was some of it on purpose.
After reading that insane ending I think a reread is due especially with the akijoi stuff. by the end of the unholy consult it was official this is my favorite series ever.
Fourm posting on a phone is a pain in the scranc.


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