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Donations to Bakker

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What Came Before:
Not a Kickstarter: Grok!Studio: Prince of Nothing

Same difference to me, I'm not a big fan of these kind of communal funding projects - in the case of Kickstarter, I've read that whomever owns Kickstarter (Google or somesuch, Amazon), the parent corporation takes like 20% before any product is made as the pledge marks are reached.

Callan S.:
It's sweet being a middle man!

Bit of relatively cheap website coding and then bang, people who actually use the site advertise it to more people, whilst paying you for the privilege. They bring more people, who advertise more, whilst paying you. And so on!

Complete lack of contribution on your part, but hoover in the good will and efforts of others!

It's sweet bein' a middle man!

Where would be the best place to purchase TUC in order to maximize Bakker's profit and minimize 3rd parties?

It'd be a good question to ask the man himself. I honestly don't know - and, obviously, he can't legally sell us copies privately.

I'd pay a pretty substantial amount of money to 'accidentally' be cc'ed when he emails the manuscript to his editors.


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