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+1 madness

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Curethan ---we <3 you madness ;)
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---Lmao, for laughs I reread that as we greater 3 you madness... Now I can't get that song from Slackers out of my head.

Musical interlude:

Three is a magic number[/u]
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Curethan ---lol, I could've just +4'ed the thread, but I had to go with <3.

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Triskele ---By the way, Madness, here is some totally unsolicited advice for the nascent board.

I feel like this, while it doesn't have a lot of traffic, is very strong post-for-post in the early-going.  There's only a handful of regulars, but most posts are either substantive, ironic, or appropriate in some fashion.  The posts are neat and easy to follow.  This is good.

Over at westeros.org they do the God's work in keeping things tidy, but work it remains.  There are plenty terrible contributions that think it's a chat room (full disclosure:  I was once one of these) or people quoting the entire large body of a post and other messy stuff. 

Anything you can do to maintain the quality if and when the quantity goes up would be most noble. 

What's that, Wilshire?  Did you just volunteer to be a board moderator?  That is noble stuff, Sir.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---Ty, Curethan.

I'm in for the adventure, Trisk. I haven't felt overwhelmed in the least and if and when I do I'll put up notice for volunteers... I share your hope that I one day will be :D!

Who knows. This place might just explode with avid posters one day - they seem to be trickling in already. Plus, the regulars provide such quality examples of manner and composure ;).
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