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Red Dead Redemption : Ending

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---I never played the first. From what I understand the characters aren't the same - yet the first has a dude with the same facial scars and same face as Marston. What's up wid dat?

Honey, please don't give more evidence towards clock work brains... (though you're probably a spam post waiting to change signature)
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---As far I as understood it, it's the same character who has reinvented himself in order to start a new peaceful life - another attempt at narrative immersion.

Maybe honey is just breaking out, Callan. Maybe your post was just enjoyed as an oasis of normal in an obssessive desert of Bakker ;).

I'm on watch for Spam Sranc. There's only been two thus far...
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---So Nate Harlow renames himself as John Marsten and joins Dutch's gang? Then after being left for dead by them, he goes off to his attempt at peaceful life?

In regards to honey, it depends - if I had left a haha message somewhere, I might not be surprised at recieving a responce like mine.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---Then as far as I understood it and had friend's explain their interpretation, the powers that be from Red Dead realize about the name change and come after Marsten.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---Yeah, but the death notice in the paper refers to John Marston being dead, not Nate Harlow?

It's a little confusing - kinda seems like die hard...3, I think it was, which was actually a script for different characters but was transplanted over.

Or maybe there's always a dude with a massive scar like that, kinda like the Phantom, but supernaturally occuring? Man with a scar or scar with a man?
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