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The Second Apocalypse v3

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Last Call: Move will happen on/around April 17th. Make your thoughts known.

Hello everyone,

You've either received an e-mail from here (I hope that's what checking "announce topic" does), the mass e-mail I sent out to Second Apocalypse v1 members (forumer), or have stumbled across this topic on your own (or all three - sorry for multiple e-mails from the forumer system).

Regardless, we have some decisions to make as a community.

About a year ago, we had a terrifying experience as the forumer SA suddenly and irrevocably redistributed the boards, making our experience there inconvenient, to say the least. In my haste to continue facilitating our young network, I found a hosting service and worked to salvage the posts from SA v1 but did this without consulting community members for other options.

At the time, aengelas (Sovin Nai, the administrator of Three-Seas) reached out and offered me server space but I already purchased the second-apocalypse domain name and signed my soul for one years worth of hosting with our current service provider.

As mid-April marks the end of this contract, Wilshire admonished me to get my act in gear and I approached aengelas again who graciously repeated his offer. And so I'm very pleased to announce that SA v3 has a backer 8).

But decisions... decisions. Thankfully, due to the work I did manually transferring our posts from SA v1 here to v2, it is very simple to transfer our monument to the new server space (aengelas is already working to do so). However, we have the opportunity (possibly) to move from SMF style forum back to phpBB, or even to other options (aengelas suggested Discourse or that he write his own forum - as he is a programmer in real-life).

Otherwise, there could be very little change from a user-end perspective (no one will have to change their bookmarks, regardless ;)). If we choose to switch from SMF, appearances will change. Also, those few of us registered here may (likely) have to re-register on the new server - still working out the details on this.

Most uncomfortably for all us addicts, aengelas has warned me that there may be some downtime (anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days), while the .com rights transfer to the new server host when we do so.


Please participate in our community and help decide our future, lest you leave Wilshire, aengelas, and I to decide all our fates.

P.S. We're working to make sure we have a Quorum equivalent on SA v3, regardless of which medium we use to communicate.
P.S.S. Our move will not affect the existence of Zombie Three-Seas for those of us who waste hours perusing it.

Thanks so much everyone for making this noosphere the unique experience it has become.

May our dooms be one.

Hey, SovinNai/Aengelas here. A few additions:

1) Discourse bills itself as a new sort of forum experience. I think it could be interesting, but only if we're all interested in something different. It might not be the best fit. You should take a look for yourself and see what you think.

2) I don't think I have the time at this point to write a forum, fun though it sounds.

I'm glad you all enjoy the Zombie Three-Seas; I remember its days fondly. Thanks to Madness for keeping the community alive with Second Apocalypse.


Nil Sertrax:
Not a prolific poster but definitely an avid reader here.  I'm not a huge fan of the layout here so a change to the phpBB or even Discourse would be a welcome change.  Thanks for all your efforts here.  There is a wealth of great info. 

This is literally the only forum I participate in, so whatever form it takes, I'm good with it.  I'll be there!

Thanks all. And I didn't mean to volunteer your programming prowess, Sovin. Welcome to the Second Apocalypse v2, btw :). Nil, you too, even though you've been here :).


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