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Messages - JRControl

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The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] The Parts Appalling
« on: August 03, 2016, 06:59:33 pm »
“But measure,” the slave replies, “is not something accomplished and then forgotten, Skiötha. Old measure is merely grounds for the new. Measure is unceasing.”

Aim for ever smaller fractions of the integral, I guess. Endless task really.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:06:00 am »
See, but then why wouldn't they find anyone across 2000 years with the Judging Eye? I mean there have been others, otherwise Akka wouldn't know of it. Who went into the original carapace (OC) in the first place? Nayu's wife? Now that I might be able to get behind. Maybe.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:51:27 am »
The bane of all rational agents, imperfect access to information. Which basically applies to all of our speculations as well :3

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers]Kellhus, savior or not?
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:17:32 am »
I think it's a crapshoot. So much history is buried under layers of lies agreed upon and God knows who will actually pen them down. The idea of Noble Lies comes to mind. People need to believe in something, even if it's not necessarily the truth as seen by an objective universe.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers] Kelmomas Skills
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:04:50 am »
I would wager that it is more of a function of quantity than depth. The lesser amount of souls, the less interested the Gods are. No Men, no crimes.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers]Kellhus, savior or not?
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:01:38 am »
Here is one such example, there are others. But, if something later becomes holy, we have to assume that whatever comes about from the GO - civilization goes on and the GO was holy.

Vast herds of sheep and cattle, bred solely to accompany the march, were also beaten across the horizon, so many that some Men of the Ordeal began calling themselves ka Koumiroi, or the Herdsmen—a name that would later become holy.

Yeah, holy in histories. According to Men. Holy to them. The holy gold standard is Mimara. Without her, everything is suspect. What men feel is holy is not necessarily so. After all, a good chunk of the Tusk is basically Inchie propaganda.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: July 31, 2016, 01:56:20 am »
My guess is that they need a significant quantity of souls and consummated in relatively rapid succession. Maybe 144k, maybe less, maybe more. Considering all they have to work with realistically is some small quantity of tribes people and the attrition present due to Sranc and the long march to Golgoterrath, the GO strikes me as the perfect solution. The Consult's C2 structure and technological prowess, despite it's skin-spies is obviously not what it once was. They can't escape decay of their tools even if they are immortal biologically.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers]Kellhus, savior or not?
« on: July 30, 2016, 05:59:42 pm »
Ok, so post TGO, what are people's feelings on Kellhus.  Is he the savior of the world or it's literal end?

The savior, yet he is the literal end of the Gods. Remember, whatever comes about of the GO is holy!

Holy according to who or what?

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: July 29, 2016, 07:28:51 pm »
Kind of like a cup shaped cup-holder, or in this case a soul cup. Maybe even a Soul Train since they ferried him around like a Christian procession.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers] Explaining Koringhus
« on: July 29, 2016, 01:33:45 am »
Is there a reason I have forgotten why Nonmen didn't at least try to spawn a race of Men-Nonmen Hybrids after the Womb-Plague?

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Malowebi
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:03:10 am »
I hope we finally meet Likaro. After hearing so much about a guy...

Skill set? Hmm...I'd wager they are more powerful when incarnated into the world through Daimotic sorcery, but they probably desire possession more, because then they are riding the soul which is what they enjoy most right?

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: July 28, 2016, 11:42:12 pm »
It still can be, but I feel like NG's presence is unique to Earwa and its sorcery. Soul sorcery produces the weirdest toys from what we've seen so it would fit in my mind.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: July 28, 2016, 10:24:40 pm »
Souls for the Coffin God. What else are you going to do with a bunch of PTSD crazed semi-cannibals that experienced Apocalypse Now and Judgement Day at the same time?

I think it depends on the composition of Kellhus's soul, if strong and damned souls can turn into Ciphrangs...what would that make of Kellhus? It's important to consider I think, the primary reason we're enslaved to the power of darkness is that we're basically unable to reorganize how our brains will process the inputs it receives. Not self-willingly I mean, this is why I feel if anything we made in RL to have true free will or at least closest thing to it, would be uhh an AI, but that's neither here nor there. The Dunyain, well...they've been getting very close to it if I understood Koringhus neural OS correctly. I also feel like this is why WLW/Yatwer was stymied by little Kel, he's got two competing threads running and while they are basically predictable their interaction probably screws with complexity because as you said souls are of the Outside and two of them communing in one body screws with cracking the code of the world.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers] Explaining Koringhus
« on: July 28, 2016, 09:59:05 pm »
I will say, I am getting some uncomfortable vibes about lube love being the Secret to all the things. I get these Hyperion/Endymion flashbacks and while I found those books great at that time, I would be disappointed in them today. Then again, I doubt things will turn out to be anywhere that simple.

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