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Messages - Camlost

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Writing / Re: Story a Day (II)
« on: July 02, 2015, 09:30:49 pm »
Hah! I appreciate it guys. It was originally just meant to be a one-off, but things began to proliferate once I started writing it. I had to keep it short or else the feeling of completion kept getting awaying from me.

As soon as the weather gets nice around here I usually fall off the grid. I'll see if I can't find my notes and resurrect something resembling what I was originally chasing.

Thanks for the feedback again

Light, Time, and Gravity / Re: Spare a copy of LTG?
« on: May 22, 2015, 01:05:32 am »
Ah, you're a hero my man. Thank you!

Light, Time, and Gravity / Spare a copy of LTG?
« on: May 19, 2015, 09:39:37 pm »
I recently had to reformat my desktop and lost a lot of files, one of which was my downloaded version of Light, Time, and Gravity.

Would anyone out there be kind enough to email me a copy of it or direct me to the original download source (I haven't had the time to look for it).

Any lead would be much appreciated

Writing / Re: Story a Day (II)
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:51:43 pm »
The music had ended hours ago and only the regulars and weirdos remained. Jim, the salesman, occupied his weekly spot at the end of the bar, wallowing in the dregs of his beer and premature baldness. Situated across the room in a booth chosen for its proximity to the men's room sat a fake blonde with nicotine stained skin and a dubious reputation for her nocturnal business affairs who went by the name of Pam. Tucked away in the opposite corner, a couple of college students of doubtful age were nursing their unlikely opportunity with tequila and cheap beer. And seated at a table next to the stage was a handsome performer from earlier in the evening who had introduced himself as Troy and an old man who could have been mistaken for his grandfather.

The bartender crossed the room, offering Jim all the obliviousness he did the rest of the world at this point and pretending not to notice Pam counting the profits of her solicitations, and set another pitcher down between the older man and the performer. Up close it was immediately apparent they weren't family; there was certainly a familiarity between them, but with that an undercurrent of awkwardness that only accompanied strangers. Despite that though, the resembelance between the two was uncanny. Kelly observed and came to these conclusions all in the span it took to clear their empty glasses. They were an odd pair, each in their own way, and their conversation was even stranger.

"—why I came back her isn't important right now, you'll learn that in time. Thank you, my dear."

"Oh, ho, 'in time', aren't you funny! If I'm to believe half of what you're telling me, I'll need to be at least twice as drunk as I am," Troy replied, his tone a peculiar mix of incredulous and excited. He gave Kelly a wink and refilled his glass feeling he had gotten the better of his companion. He held up a guitar pick he had been tapping on the table, "Thanks again by the way. I might not have had a set without you."

"If that's what it will take," the old man interrupted, turning to Kelly with a pained smile and a few crumpled bills, "We'll have two shots of Jack and your best ceaser."

She had been searching for something casual and flirty to say to Troy, but leaned on duty when nothing seemed forthcoming. She nodded to the two of them and made off for the protection of the bar before a blush could make its way to her cheeks. Excepting Pam, who made a lewd gesture and offered to "distract the old one", no one seemed to notice her embarrassment.

With each successive trip to their table that night Kelly had been shedding her professional indifference and after this last, she had to admit to herself she was outright curious about the two of them. So as she set to making their drinks she sought to inconspicuously listen in on their conversation, and if something came up that she might use to chat with Troy, then all the better.

“Alright then, tell me how it is girls think. Tell me what women want,” Troy spat out following a muffled burp. It was subtle, but now that she was paying closer attention, Kelly noticed that the disbelief she had heard before was slowly beginning to fade from his tone.

“That I can't do, for two reasons--" the old man began.

“Oh, come on. What good is access to all of one's wisdom before they've learned it if you won't share it?”

The old man smiled and shook his head, the kind of action that is generally reserved for children who simply can't know any better or teachers who are about to correct a misconception. He held up his finger and continued, “The first is this: all men must learn to fathom the female mind in their own time. It is a measure of growth that one comes to such an epiphany and only then through experience. The second reason being, and more importantly, I don't know. The unfortunate truth is that women are simply unfathomable, at least in all this one's experience. Every shining moment of elucidation on the subject is very often followed by another and that another too, and all of them often as false as the ones proceeding.”

“Just wonderful, so I suppose love eludes me for the rest of my life and that's why you're here, to warn me against my follies.” Kelly caught this last exchange as she arrived at the table with their drinks.

“On the contrary," the old man rummaged through his jacket before producing the contents of his pockets. As he began seperating cash and coins from all the other detritus that collects in one's pockets, Kelly could have sworn she noticed a guitar pick nearly identical to the one Troy still drummed atop the table. Before she had time to give it more attention, the old man offered her a handful of money with a wistful look in his eyes and continued, "You encounter a woman who absolutely captivates you, who stirs a passion in you like nothing else has or—and take my word on this matter—will.”

Troy's cloudy demeanor cleared immediately and he leaned in, "What does she look like? Can you tell me that much?”

“An absolute vision. She was like an autumn sunrise. Cool and calm, and radiant”

“You say was, as in something went wrong”

Having retreated to the bar, Kelly watched the old man flick a shot of Jack down his throat and wince, "Imagine how desolate my life had to have become for me to have spent the waning years of my life desperately, and nearly futilely, developing a time machine"

Literature / Re: Guy Gavriel Kay
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:40:33 am »
I've read a handful of Kay's stuff, and liked what I have read. Haven't read The Fionavar Tapestry; however, I can fill in for what Buck is missing, I have read Tigana and Ysabel.

Tigana is a favourite of mine as far as Kay's work goes. It's a well contained stand alone in a fantasy world, which I feel can be difficult to pull off satisfactorily. I read it years ago and was surprised by a particular element of the ending. The spell work surrounding Tigana itself is a rather interesting plot device too in my opinion.

As for Ysabel, it read a bit "urban-YA" to me, but it was still a good story nevertheless and had great pacing. It kind of just dips its toes into historical fiction as Buck put it (which is very much accurate in regards to some of his other works, ie Under Heaven [haven't read River of Stars yet, but it's in the pile] and Last Light of the Sun [vikings oriented, if I remember correctly]), in that the story is heavily influenced by a period of history that had two dominant cultures meeting for the first time.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe he also worked with Christopher Tolkien in compiling JRR Tolkien's notes and fragments and what not into what we now know as The Silmarillion.

Writing / Re: Story a Day (II)
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:34:59 pm »
Thanks for the encouragement Jax. Now that I know we have an audience I'll try to be more productive. Although I don't think any of us can match sciborg

1.) I've heard it is postapoc rather than straight fantasy?  Is this so? If so, how obtrusive is the sprinkling of "real world in the savage future" elements?

My impression/understanding of the text is that it is a medieval fantasy setting an undetermined period of time following some cataclysmic event that wiped out "our" civilization.

As for sprinklings, the first one you encounter is an ancient text by Plutarch. Other historical authors names eventually pop up too, but I'm trying to say little out of fear of saying too much. Some form of Christianity remains as well.

I will pick up Star Beast on the strength of your recommendation.

If you like Heinlein, I don't think you'll have any problem with it. I don't know if it fits into his expanded history or not, I wasn't really looking for those details when I read it.

Writing / Re: Story a Day (II)
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:44:31 am »
Nice work Buck. It's good to see someone else keeping this lonely thread alive. My efforts have been a bit lack luster in recent weeks.

Here's something of an introduction or preface that I just thought up on my car ride home:

I have spent the better part of three decades wandering in flight to the far reaches of a flagging empire. In that time I have worn many names. Some of those names have been praised for their actions, others are openly feared, while even a few have been remembered solely for the mystery that surrounded them; but all, without fail, have come to be associated with an insatiable darkness that follows in their wake.

To whomever may come to find this document, should it survive, I must immediately disabuse them of the illusion that the revelation of my true name or my death—I have lit the last of my warding candles so as to record this confession—might signify an end to the darkness that has become synonymous with my presence. The miserable truth of the matter, one of which I have had the burden of carrying throughout the long sordid years since my flight began, is that my demise will herald the darkest of those days that have yet to come.

My name is Yel'en of Ahktunash. I am the last devotee of a false god, and the sole practitioner of daeinvoc outside of the bonds of the newly resurrected cult of Lamtun—who dare not acknowledge my existence, and when they must refer to me only as venatorem, the hunted.

The ink I've laid has barely begun to dry and the candle's flame has had its first taste of wax, and the ceremonial runes described therein, yet already I can hear the dark promises of their minions whispered from just beyond the encroaching darkness. Since my life is now surely measured by a candle's breath, I hasten to describe those events that culminated in the greatest of my crimes, not so that I might achieve anything resembling absolution—the things I have done are beyond redemption—but that perhaps I might gain even that faintest glimmer of empathy one offers a condemned man.

Would you read on? [I used some weak Latin as filler for the time being. Whether I change names and places to reflect that choice or just wing it on a made up language depends on where things go with it]

Finished the last of my exams on the 20th, so now I can finally really get into some fiction. The past week has been a bit ravenous, but that might just be months of restricted time being loosened.

Read Heinlein's Star Beast. I'm hesitant to use this term with anyone, but I think he certainly deserves it: Heinlein is a master of his craft. Not sure what more I can say about the book that isn't summed up by that. Whilst reading, I found myself marveling at how every introduction of a new significant character arose as a demand of circumstance within the narrative, nothing came about arbitrarily if you will. He has an amazing ability to keep his aliens alien, yet at the same time make them endearing and accessible. As always, he manages to showcase the tenacity and ingenuity he loves to attribute to Man.

I've been a sucker for Blizzard games since I was a kid (I used to hold a fairly respectable NA ranking in Warcraft III: Frozen Throne back in the day, but that's beside the point). A local book shop closed a few months back and since then the proprietor has been forced to sell off his stock online and outrageously and unfortunately low prices, so I picked up a few dozen novels from him. Among those was a collection of Blizzard novels. I finished The Day of the Dragon by Richard Knaak. I won't bore anyone with the details unless their interested other than to say it's a decent showing of Knaak's early talent and somewhat difficult to reconcile its place in the history if you're up to date with the Warcraft universe.

Yesterday I burned through Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. I really liked it. Went out today and bought the follow up. Only things I had any real trouble with was some of the in world references until about midway through the book when events conspired to make more sense of that. The only other thing I had trouble reconciling, and it didn't detract any from my enjoyment of the story in the grand scheme of things, is Jorg's age. Even for an exceptional character in extreme circumstances, I never really considered him as young as he claims.

Moving forward, I have another Knaak Warcraft novel that I've started and should be done shortly. I started The Last and First Men just before exams, so I'll be back to restart that. I've been leafing through some history texts and I have a Glen Cook omnibus to finish as well.

Literature / Re: Steven Erikson (The 3.5 million word journey?)
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:03:22 am »
Through House of Chains.

Have to say that this one was my least favorite so far...

I'll move on to either Midnight Tides, or find Night of Knives

House of Chains was actually my least favourite too. I enjoyed Karsa's bit, but I found it disjointed. I also found that the pacing and plot development of the latter half of the novel wasn't really on par with the previous installments. If you persevere though, I think you'll come to find that of any of the novels, House of Chains was board setting.

As Raizen mentioned, you should be able to finish Night of Knives in no time. I've heard from a lot of people that they really liked Trull Sengar (one of the main protagonists from Midnight Tides). For me though, I got hooked on Tehol Beddict

Literature / Re: Ender's Quartet
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:28:04 am »
Card is supposedly going to write a unifying sequel, but he's said that for 16 years
I think if he did, I'd be reading it more out obligation that actual interest.. I found the resolutions of the previous two installments too easy and the major ones unaddressed at the ending

Literature / Re: Steven Erikson (The 3.5 million word journey?)
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:26:15 am »
I kind of wish I had discovered this when I had started the series. I remember having just gotten used to him jumping from story to story and then beginning the fifth book. It was nearly enough for me to quit. I persevered though, and after you wrap your head around the actual chronology of things it's less cumbersome of an experience.

The only one I am currently reconsidering reading is Knight of Knives
I've read Night of Knives and The Return of the Crimson Guard. They have a distinctly different "taste" to them, as well a disparity in writing quality. Not to say that the first is bad, but he certainly grew as a writer by the time the second was published; although I think that is quite common. I will say though, there are a number of rather significant events in RotCG which I felt were rather glossed over in the Erikson books that follow it in the chronology.

Waiting a year or more to get sequel that didn't tie together any of the loose strings from the previous one(s) would have been enraging.
I've always felt that the inclusion of relative dates would go a long way to tightening the series and assuaging new readers. I would be pissed to wait a year and get an entirely new story.

Literature / Re: Steven Erikson (The 3.5 million word journey?)
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:23:43 pm »
I was going through some files on my computer and came across this. I figured this might be illuminating for anyone starting or frustrated by the series

General Misc. / Re: Disseminating Bakker - Bookmarks
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:06:36 pm »
Over the years I've taken both courses (also the sci-fi fiction ones) and I remember back when I was in the fantasy fiction course at the college that my prof was flipping through slides quickly at the end of a class to try and cover the important points before we left and I caught Bakker's name on one of them as I sat idly pretending to be listening.

I approached her after class about it (this was in the period where "we" were waiting to hear the final details and release date for WLW) and as it turns out it was a slide from the previous years course. She had had Bakker come in and do a reading and quest lecture for a period. It was as disappointing to learn it wasn't scheduled for out class as it was exciting to have noticed his name there in the first place.

So I'm kind of hoping those textbook lists might attract a few more to witness an apocalypse

General Misc. / Re: Light Speed and Relativity
« on: April 05, 2015, 10:41:31 pm »
Most often if you are using FTL as a mechanism limiting it to zero mass matter (as in radio waves which have no mass but do have momentum.) then you remove physical FTL transfer which does help (at least in terms of mass requiring infinite energy to attain C.)
I think I'm having trouble wrapping my head around anything with a m=0 having momentum. I stopped studying hard mathematics shortly after highschool when I discovered the humanities (much to my parents chagrin), but isn't momentum as expression of mass x velocity?
When taking into consideration distances for communications bear in mind Proxima Centauri is our closest neighbour and a return communication would take approx. 9 years. You might want to look at artificial satellite governing worlds or something like that.
For a portion of the story, the limitations on interstellar communication is an important feature which is eventually overcome (both yourself and Wilshire mentioned quantum entanglement and I think I can make that fit as far as the narrative goes), so without breaking physics or causality it looks like C is my limit here? Unless I'm not understanding a point you may have been trying to make?

Also, what do you mean by "artificial satellite governing worlds"?

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