I agree. The article cites that the most given reasons for filing divorce are 'growing apart' (and/or similar answers). I would imagine that this is a terrible gauge of why people are getting divorced.
Asking someone to disclose something so personal in such a public and permanent venue is obviously going to lead to misleading information. If there was a "no reason given" option, I'm sure it'd be given more than anything else.
But if that wasn't an option, people would just pick whatever it was that makes the divorce go through. If you can't say 'growing apart' because it will be thrown out, people will say 'domestic violence' or whatever options makes it a sure bet.
That's probably the worst venue to seek information regarding the true reason someone is seeking to end a marriage. On top of that, regardless of venue, very few people can/will incriminate themselves - or say 'I was abusive'/'I love another person'/'am cheating', etc. etc. Its probably question that's close to impossible to answer in today's society.
But that's kind of neither here nor there. The point is that Bolivar makes great posts

Though, ive seen people raised by their mom and a good support group and do very well. Or, even mom alone. Its just is the truth that too many kids grow up fatherless and usually that hurts them, badly.
Its a difficult subject to address. Certainly there are better parents than others, and just because people have 1 or 2 parents doesn't mean life will be great. I also don't mean to sound super judgemental - I understand that life doesn't work out so neatly, and that's why I don't think the a brute answer like 'lets force people to stay married' will solve anything (not that this is what anyone is proposing).