I'm pretty huge into gaming. Started as a kid when I was maybe three and my brother got a Sega Genesis with Mortal Kombat and the first Sonic. Color coded ninjas suddenly became my jam.
I play a decent variety of games, but I suppose most of what I'm into falls into a vague "action" category. Love RPG's, but it depends heavily on the systems used (I've never been able to get into turn-based things games outside of Pokemon, but I've also never really pushed myself to beyond a few rare instances -- most recently I can remember X-Com, which I enjoyed but sucked so bad at that I lost the drive to go on).
I was and kind of still am pretty into Halo. I used to be in it for both the gameplay and the story, but the story (and really the whole extended lore of the universe) took a sharp nosedive after Halo 3 to the point that I simply don't care about it anymore. Halo 5 had the worst story of a Halo game, but it also has easily some of the best gameplay, especially multiplayer, and I think the singleplayer of Halo 6 is going to be pretty fantastic as far as the encounters and level design.
Recently became a fan of the MGS series (I actually have a half-finished casual essay thing I wrote about the franchise). Despite tons of weird little quirks -- not all of them good -- I think MGS is easily some of the best in the medium. MGSV had, in my opinion, a pretty brilliant story that I don't think we'll be acknowledged for its genius for some time. MGS is weird when it comes to "story" though -- the actual plots are completely absurd and generally not very good, but each game -- particularly 2 and especially V, have incredibly clever meta-stories which involve the player themselves and their emotions more than most games ever try to.
The Dark Souls series is basically top dog for me though. I haven't ever played a game with such a mastery over the player's state of mind, while also having incredible gameplay, amazing worldbuilding/lore, and stunning art direction. There are games I would consider its equal, but I can't think of any I would consider superior.
I'm also into 2D platformers and action games, and play a lot of indie stuff -- even more so recently, since I'm trying to make my own game. I finally played Braid after hearing about it for years, and it easily exceeded my expectations. It's definitely one of the best and perhaps one of the most important games of the 2000's, and -- like Dark Souls -- is an exquisitely crafted piece of art where every element comes together cohesively. Soundtrack is fantastic too.