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When Aurang takes the form of the man when he meets Esme twice in PoN, is it achieved by glamour or is it a physical form?

Glamour. The Inchoroi have developed their own variant of affect driven sorcery, since developing the capacity to see and manipulate the onta.


--- Quote from: Cû'jara-Cinmoi on June 22, 2016, 01:18:57 pm ---Glamour. The Inchoroi have developed their own variant of affect driven sorcery, since developing the capacity to see and manipulate the onta.

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A school of illusionists. How terrifying.


--- Quote from: Wilshire on June 23, 2016, 12:55:12 am ---A school of illusionists. How terrifying.

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In a world where belief makes real? Hell yeah it is.

Callan S.:
Maybe they just added the halo's the the skin spies hands when it pretended to be Kellhus?


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