Sorry Jorram, I don't know much about the UK/Tor editions. Everything I've got is from Overlook (much to my chagrin. Not a fan of them.)
That said, matching sets of small US editions from overlook match from TDTCB through WLW. I haven't seen the TGO prints if they have done them in softcover yet. I sometimes think of these as the 'mosaic' editions because of the cover style.
US editions also exist in large paperback editions as well. These match from TDTCB through WLW as well, and have some guy's face on them.
PoN has its own set of original covers that differ form everything else, both in large edition paperback and hardcover. These are your first print editions.
Once you start getting into language translation, everyone's got their own, and I don't know if any have a full matching set.