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Hello!  Jason from Oshawa, Ontario.  I've been reading the series since after TTT, and before TJE came out.  I judged TDTCB ENTIRELY by it's cover (and secondly the blurb on the back) and decided to give it a go (FYI, it was the Penguin Canada paperback edition, gray cover with vertical script).

Anyway, my wife thinks I'm insane the amount I blabber about the series.  I've hunted down hardcover editions of the original trilogy in the rare event I meet Bakker and I can get one (or all) signed.  It's completely taken over aspects of my life.  I have no imagination of my own anymore outside of Earwa.

Now that the second series has ended, life is nothing but waiting for the Series That Shall Not Be Named.  Well, that and my kids, I guess.  *shrugs*    ;D

Welcome to the forum! Always great to have new people.

Couple things. First, I always direct those with your (our) particular affliction to collecting Bakker's books to these two threads: Collector's Editions for some basic info about what you're looking for and where you might find them, and Custom Leather Bound because I'm a vain person lol. Feel free to post any thoughts to those (or any) threads. IMO, the original artwork for PoN (artist is David Rankine) is far superior than any of the others.

Second, we are putting together something we have dubbed Zaudunyanicon. More info in the thread, but its August 11-13 in London Ontario.

[EDIT Madness: Custom Leather Bound link was a duplicate. Fixed.]

Welcome to the forum, Anaxophus! Thanks for all your efforts to take down the No-God ;).

Nice to be seeing more fellow Canadian fans finding their way here 8)! You should definitely make it to Zaudunyanicon!


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