General Earwa / Cants of Compulsion
« on: March 31, 2019, 07:01:06 pm »
Much is made in PON of the Cants of Compulsion, of how they enable the sorceror to possess the 'self' of another, blurring the distinction between the two. The victims (as per Ch 6 TTT) in 'no way feel compelled', whilst others may control their words and actions, they nevertheless 'choose' to say or do.
We also see at the end of TTT what Kellhus can achieve by adding a second inutteral to a Cant of Calling - essentially turning telepathy into teleportation. The implication for TAE is what therefore happens when he adds a second inutteral to a Cant of Compulsion (which he must surely have done)? Is this the process by which he can physically move souls from body to body- i.e. the head swapping?
We also see at the end of TTT what Kellhus can achieve by adding a second inutteral to a Cant of Calling - essentially turning telepathy into teleportation. The implication for TAE is what therefore happens when he adds a second inutteral to a Cant of Compulsion (which he must surely have done)? Is this the process by which he can physically move souls from body to body- i.e. the head swapping?