Earwa > General Earwa
Did the Consult change Esmenets womb to withstand Kellhus's seed?
Hey guys, first time posting, I wish i knew about this site through the entire series ><
While I was reading TUC, I had a flash back to when Esmenet was visited by the Consult (By skin-spy, or by Aurang himself, different forums say different things and i havent read the first book in about 10 years so i cant remember) and her womb was filled with black seed? I had a thought that maybe they were conditioning Esmenets womb to bear kellhus's children in order to use in the Carapace. After reading the end of TUC I thought there was some merit to it, considering the line of Anasurimbor had been used before, and since Kellhus didnt succumb to the Mutilated reasoning they used his son.
It seems like something the consult would do if they saw that far into events, having a contingency plan to bring about the No-God again. Just curious what other people might think.
This is a interesting thought but the Consult didn't know Kellhus existed back then they were trailing Akka.
Your bring up an interesting point which raises the bar on the TTT - was Kellhus the only one who could perceive it? Could be Shae ( or some Consult ) could see paths into the future as well ( no real evidence supporting this just yet, but maybe ) ... that or the Consult have an alliance with a god who can see back/forward in time ( Shae is not Inchoroi, so is visible to the gods and he may be aligned with one of them - Yatwer? Why Yatwer hunting Kellhus - why specifically her and not others? ).
Well, I have said it elsewhere, but I'll leave the idea here too. If Kelmomas was always the No-God and so Mimara always the God of Gods (or it's vessile(?), eye (?)) then it stands to the same sort of reason that Esmenet has always been the mother of the No-God and the God of Gods. In other words, the place through which both enter the world.
--- Quote from: H on October 20, 2017, 11:06:58 am ---Esmenet has always been the mother of the No-God and the God of Gods. In other words, the place through which both enter the world.
--- End quote ---
Never thought of that. Esmenet brings into the world both the only true prophet and the tool of the world's ultimate demise.
And ignorant of both.
If ignorance is holy, she's an archangel.
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