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« on: June 02, 2013, 04:11:55 pm »
Quote from: Madness
I noticed we didn't have a thread when I had nowhere to put these:

Quote from: Mithfanion, 2005
Scott, could you say who or what is Nin-Ciljiras? He (or it) is mentioned by the Inchoroi...

Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi, 2005
He's a character in The Aspect-Emperor...

Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi, 2005
Mansion' is used both as a term to describe Nonmen cities, and much as the way 'House' is used - as an epithet for dynasties, families, etc.

In my old notes the Nonmen also used totemic devices, but in the multi-form manner that characterizes much of their art. So for instance, a Nonmen representation of a wolf would likely show it occupying two or more postures at once, like sleeping/running.

Having Nonmen blood means many things - things, which come to the fore when the Nonmen take a more active role in The Aspect-Emperor. Sometimes I feel like you're the dirty old man in the strip bar sitting on sniff row shouting 'take it off!'

Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi, 2004
Many Nonmen wander Earwa and the Three Seas, searching for trauma - which is to say, memories. A few hundred serve Golgotterath. The majority of these are what are called 'Erratics' - Nonmen who've been driven mad by the accumulation of trauma.

The majority of surviving Nonmen, however, dwell in Ishterebinth - stonghold of the ancient Nonmen nation of Injor Niyas - where they struggle to keep the dwindling flame of their ancient civilization alive. Here the Quya and the Siqu masters continue their studies, developing techniques, sorcerous and otherwise, to keep their race sane.

There, I've gone and said too much!

But, you know, fill the thread up with all the whispers and such... drop some knowledge.

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« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 04:12:09 pm »
Quote from: Curethan
Pretty sure NC ended up being Cleric - an alternate name for Nil'Giccas iirc.

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« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 04:12:23 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Lol. Well, Nerdanel hat doesn't even need to be worn to suggest that they have separate entries in the TTT Glossary for a reason. Or that Nin'Ciljiras is of the Betrayer, Nin'janjin's, line - a likely requisite for twice succumbing to the Consult. Or that a whole third of TAE focuses on Ishterebinth, rather than just every previously hinted at Nonman alluding to Cleric...

Just jibs :). Thoughts for the feast.

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« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2013, 04:12:30 pm »
Quote from: Curethan
Okay, could well be misremembering that.  Couldn't say where I got the idea they are the same dude now.

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« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 04:12:37 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Lol, I gots to study, which is why I came to work early without my laptop.

I am a slave to a vice of my own creation :shock: ;).

I think there used to be some confusion on Three-Seas and I might have inadvertently played into it. Just who does Aurang say they are watching in Ishterebinth in TWP? If it's Nin'Ciljiras, maybe, there was debate about it being a mistake?

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« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 04:12:46 pm »
Quote from: Auriga
The Nonmen's culture is pretty fascinating to me - not only their sorcery, but also their skills in architecture and geometry, really make them the "Ancient Greeks" of Eärwa.

They built some pretty mind-blowing stuff, like the spiral stair in Cil-Aujas that goes up the whole mountain, or the space-filling Hilbert curve around Golgotterath. I wonder what Ishterebinth, a living Nonman kingdom, looks like?

In my old notes the Nonmen also used totemic devices, but in the multi-form manner that characterizes much of their art. So for instance, a Nonmen representation of a wolf would likely show it occupying two or more postures at once, like sleeping/running.

This was one of the coolest bits in TJE. I dunno if we've seen any other Nonman heraldry - I remember that some house had a copper tree as is symbol.

Just who does Aurang say they are watching in Ishterebinth in TWP?


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« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2013, 04:12:55 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi
Here the Quya and the Siqu masters continue their studies, developing techniques, sorcerous and otherwise, to keep their race sane.

And otherwise :shock: ?! Those two words, in this one sentence, have fueled my imagination for years.

Wolf Gate - Big questions for me.

God... this ' - Captial pronoun this is killing me.

Lol, Nin'-Cciljiras has likely led a coup in Nil'giccas' name - (I picture Nin'-Cciljiras as Wormtongue). Nil'giccas suggests that Ishterebinth, the Mansion, has turned to the Consult but that's can't be the case - especially as I figure it will be Achamian would convinces the Nonmen to ride to Kellhus' aid (The Gandalf, Rohirrin, Helm's Deep trifecta is likely too juicy a parallel for Bakker to pass on).

Obviously, the situation seems less dire than Aurang welcoming people at Ishterebinth but from the TWP quote, I'd hazard that a group of Nonmen is perpetrating the dissension for the Consult. Nil'giccas has probably been wandering for longer than twenty years - he has had the entirety of a few millenia to regret not telling the Nonmen about the "Truth" of the Inverse Fire.

Again, from the idea of Achamian wearing Nil'giccas' armour, I'd hazard that the Nonmen think Nil'giccas is still in Mansion.

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« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2013, 04:13:06 pm »
Quote from: Ciogli
I think the situation in Ishteribinth resembles that of Nagothrond in the Silmarillion. Where Nil giccas is based upon Finrod Felagund the last Elven High King, he left his great underground city to aid Beren(Achamian) and in his stead the sons of Feanor usurped the crown. The Nin line may be the sons of Nin Janjin who took over after Nil giccas left, and now rule in his name.

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« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2013, 04:13:14 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Wow. +1 Ciogli. Sounds bang on.