Unholy Consultation - *SUPER SPOILERIFIC*

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« Reply #135 on: July 31, 2017, 08:23:47 pm »
Can you tell us what Maithanet was trying to say to Esmenet when he died?

Kill Kelmomas!


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« Reply #136 on: July 31, 2017, 08:24:02 pm »
Will you explore the mechanism that allowed Inaru to reach from the void in a dream and tell Akka about the Consult.

Was it Onkis that told Inaru to run? (the first series seems to have loads of wee interactions that could be interpreted as "god whispers")

What did he find in Uncle Holy Quarters?

The skin-spy with a soul, Old Father Moenghus made him didn't he? So that Maitha could unveil him and gain the mandate trust?

 The thing called Simas, however, is a creature of the Consult.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo there goes my theory lol.

Is Moe senior dead?


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« Reply #137 on: July 31, 2017, 08:30:02 pm »
1. Do you have a Patreon? I am aware of other mid and even A-list writers who are using these as a means of securing a stable income between books. It's also an interesting way to let your readers invest in you, as opposed to only consuming that which you produce (I'm not sure if this distinction makes the idea more or less attractive). But I would certainly contribute a few dollars a month if you had one.

My wife mentioned this to me a couple months back and a bolt of terror went up my spine. For whatever reason, self-promotion is indistinguishable from self-hatred for me. It's hard to explain, but I am genuinely ENSLAVED by all this stuff. I've spent decades now, trying to batter and berate myself into a more 'well rounded' human, but now that I've turned 50, I've resigned myself to being honest to my two-dimensional nature, and just to write whatever must be written.

Sell some atrocity tales on Amazon I'm sure you must have some ideas. Your personal preferences would allow you to do that at least? Plus we get more stories :D


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« Reply #138 on: July 31, 2017, 08:40:54 pm »
In TTT, Kellhus says the Mangaecca squat, chanting about Aurang's real body to relay him to the Synthese.  But, the Consult's Brain Trust seems to be restricted to just Mek, Shauriatus, Aurang and Aurax (and then the Mutilated).  Were there any other Minds among the Consult for the past 2 millenia or has it just been those four?  If so, given their .. dilapidated status how did Consult programs like breeding the Inversi actually function?  How did they manage it with so little sane manpower? 

Your second question leads me to believe that pretty much everyone has missed a certain boat, in which case, I can only say, RAFO!


See, the mind goes to Ark when one hears boat, but we're told Ark is dead or at least brain-dead.  The answer seems to be something we should've picked up on, so now I'm wondering if I need to reread the Synthese scenes.  Maybe they aren't what they seem? Or, all the Erratics actually just function inside the Ark.  It's a massive source of trauma for the Non-men.  Maybe, inside, it's not just Mek that's whole, but the whole gaggle of them.  They fall back into their memories of fighting through the Ark and regain some measure of sanity - enough to breed Sranc or do whatever intelligent labor is required inside the Ark.

It's time to do what web-comic authors do - stick books on your site for free and sell t-shirts, hats and stickers.  Circumfix bumper stickers will out-number Jesus fish in a few years.  Or instead of Calvin peeing decals, we can have Aurang ejaculating.  The possibilities are endless.

I would sooner shit in my own mouth with my dog's asshole.

Old fashioned that way, I guess. All I know is that the farther thoughts of commerce are from my mind, the sweeter the spice flows.

RIP my dreams of owning Sranc action-figures.  But... if you ever change your mind, it's incredible the sort of money people can make off of merchandise even with a small fan-base.  Twitch streamers (a concept that's .... too difficult to explain if you're unfamiliar with it), whose audience only typically only numbers in a few thousand, can make livable incomes off stupid shirts.


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« Reply #139 on: July 31, 2017, 08:42:49 pm »

1. If the No-God 2.0 doesn't have Chorae attached to the carapace, why didn't Akka just blast the thing into oblivion at that moment where it's revealed to him?

2. Are Ajokli and the Gods still completely unaware of things with the Consult/No-God? Doesn't Ajokli have enough information now to infer that there are things that he cannot see ? I mean he was briefly right there interacting with the DunSult so he has to have some clue about whats going on. Or the God's just not reason that way?

3. It seems kind of foolish that the Consult would bring Dunyain back as prisoners. Was it simple arrogance that made them feel safe in doing so, or are you actually kind of saying that the Consult brain trust isn't that great and has degraded?

4. The Inchoroi are immortal in their physical bodies and were able to do the same for the Nonmen. Why were they not able to do that for Shaeonanra, a human? Why did he have to resort to that complicated and cumbersome method of soul trapping for staying alive?

5. Is/was Kelmomas one of the few?

1) Shock. Incredulity. You need to keep two voices straight in your head, and he couldn't even keep his feet working in tandem.

2) Thinking from an atemporal POV gives me a headache. Ajokli 'knows' (whatever this means from an eternal POV), but it takes juice, divine intervention, steering the space-time continuum this way and that, and the No-God has begun gnawing at the joists between the temporal and eternal.

3) Hmmm. I'm beginning to suspect that something rather significant has gone unrecognized. Either way, humility is not among the many virtues enjoyed by the Consult.

4) Because only Aurax and Aurang were left.

5) He can see sorcery, yes.


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« Reply #140 on: July 31, 2017, 08:44:17 pm »
I'd kill for a horde of sranc figurines, muahahaha. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
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« Reply #141 on: July 31, 2017, 09:00:06 pm »
Will Zeum feature prominently in The No-God?


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« Reply #142 on: July 31, 2017, 09:05:27 pm »
I'd kill for a horde of sranc figurines, muahahaha. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

No way, think about what they'll actually look like. You'd get the jail for owning them lol


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« Reply #143 on: July 31, 2017, 09:16:15 pm »
I'd kill for a horde of sranc figurines, muahahaha. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

No way, think about what they'll actually look like. You'd get the jail for owning them lol

Well. They would be nice in porcelain!
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« Reply #144 on: July 31, 2017, 09:24:01 pm »
Whale-mother action figures or riot.


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« Reply #145 on: July 31, 2017, 09:28:41 pm »
If your not just being funny about what Maithenet was trying to say to Esme, "Kill Kelmommas", then it begs the question why didnt Kellhus? He surely knew the same and even says as much in Chapter 1. It cannot be because of his love for Esme, i cannot buy that! (Me. The guy for 2 years who has said emotions are what has guided Kellhus and the TTT.)

He had to know Kelmommas was the No-God, had to. He seemed to goad Esme into releasing him. You dont have to say im right, but did i pick up on some breadcrumbs at least?
“No. I am your end. Before your eyes I will put your seed to the knife. I will quarter your carcass and feed it to the dogs. Your bones I will grind to dust and cast to the winds. I will strike down those who speak your name or the name of your fathers, until ‘Yursalka’ becomes as meaningless as infant babble. I will blot you out, hunt down your every trace! The track of your life has come to me,


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« Reply #146 on: July 31, 2017, 09:32:55 pm »
Whale-mother action figures or riot.

Heron-spear glass bong please.


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« Reply #147 on: July 31, 2017, 09:36:16 pm »
Whale-mother action figures or riot.

Heron-spear glass bong please.

Carapace, fully openable and floatable. With Kelmomas and Nau-Cayuti action figurines that fit inside. With mail-in tags to complete the set with a Whirlwind diorama.
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« Reply #148 on: July 31, 2017, 09:37:58 pm »
Whale-mother action figures or riot.

Heron-spear glass bong please.

Carapace, fully openable and floatable. With Kelmomas and Nau-Cayuti action figurines that fit inside. With mail-in tags to complete the set with a Whirlwind diorama.

LMAO , perfect. I'll take two :D


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« Reply #149 on: July 31, 2017, 09:54:22 pm »
Here's a crackpot question:

Are the Mutilated Shauriatus?  They all talk one-by-one and Shae's original Wretches apparently only function because they're 'shorn of passion' and what better way to describe Dunyain?  So, Shauriatus alone resisted and Shauriatus won.  The scene is a pantomime on Shae's part, flattering Kellhus' Dunyain vanity (of course the Dunyain took over the Consult).   And, we the readers held the same conceits as Kellhus... we didn't see it either.

l and the Truth spoke with but one soul.

Bakker, R. Scott. The Unholy Consult: Book Four of the Aspect-Emperor series (Aspect Emperor 4) (Kindle Location 7184). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

So... this quote is a pun... isn't it. -_-.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 10:43:06 pm by jurble »