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Messages - Wilshire

Pages: 1 ... 358 359 [360] 361 362 ... 392
General Earwa / Re: TSA Halloween
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:36:06 pm »
Quinthane you're avatar pic made me think of a wonderful costume to wear to a party. Take a severed human head(fake) and braid it into a prodigious beard(fake or real). Tear up your cloths and smear dirt and blood(fake or real?) over them and whisper disconcertingly to yourself all night, while periodically screaming out rules of the slog.

You're sure to make a lot of friends this way.

General Earwa / Re: TSA Halloween
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:32:40 pm »
Agoglian bull statues in Momemn or Sumna, one of the two

There ya go, your son is a holy statue to one of the Hundred cults. Happy Halloween.

I did not catch that he didn't take the chorae with him.
+1.... I'm sure that will be very important later. An undetectable chorae in the midst of the Aspect Emperor

Regarding sranc:
Depending on what year it is after the fall there could be huge differences in sranc population. Consider first: distance. based on what we know, all of the sranc were drawn to Mog, not to mention that all the humans in the world where pretty much in the same place. This places all of the sranc west of 2 mountain ranges. Once they 'killed' the No-God, they sranc fled. Well how fast did they flee? That depends on how pressed they where. We saw the Ordeal push the sranc thousands of miles in a short time, but I doubt the living humans did much more than passvly hunt the sranc. It may have taken years, decades, or even a few centuries before the sranc where pushed back to the North.

Once the sranc where confortably past the edges of civilization, they then probably bred extremely quickly. They would have greatly reduced numbers for years, but with no real predators and ample food (grubs, worms, etc.) it would have been an exponential population explosion. Depending on what you want to do with your story, you could go from barely any sranc to hundreds to thousands in a time span of a few centuries.

Also recall that sranc are drawn to certain places over others. I think ancient ruins draw them in for some reason... remember those ruins that sorweel and his horny  friends end up in where someone mention to be carful because sranc are "drawn to places like this" or some such? Sorry for the vague reference, my point being that some places could be strangly empty of sranc while other places close by could be teaming with them.

You can probably do whatever you want with sranc and their numbers and there will be plenty of reasonable justifications for it.

Madness covered most of it. As for whether or not there were any left... probably not many. Intact Nonmen might be slightly more common close to the fall of the NG, so there might be some tutors left roaming around.

Nothing consolidated. Iyokus might talk a bit about it during/before his little tussle with Super Saiyan Achamian in TWP

General Earwa / Re: TSA Halloween
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:48:02 pm »
I guess both you can your wife can be emwama, as for the cow....... sorry can't think of any bovine references within TSA.

I did my best.

General Earwa / Re: Dûnyain society
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:43:13 pm »
Like the axlotl tanks. The Dunyain Women are actually the Non(wo)men, or at least have been bred as such...

Good thought about the lights. We know that wards and other things maintain enchantments without their caster and can stay inside objects.

General Earwa / Re: TSA Halloween
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:39:30 pm »
What are you being now, GJ?

My luck of the draw is Bugs Bunny :D.

Imagine the ecstatic farmer from American Gothic... At least i get a pitch fork.

You're an Emwama, close enough  :P

General Earwa / TSA Halloween
« on: October 31, 2013, 12:51:29 pm »
Has anyone dressed as something TSA related for halloween? I haven't, nor do I have the creativity to make something of my own, but I thought maybe someone here might have.

Or, if you could, what character would you go to a Halloween party as?

Literature / Re: Hyperion by Dan Simmons
« on: October 30, 2013, 08:08:34 pm »
Ok I was too lazy to get something else to read so I finished Endymion and am now about 2/5's of the way through The Rise of Endymion.

I stand by what I said earlier about Endymion, its not nearly as groundbreaking or imaginative as Hyperion/The Fall. Its more your standard Space Opera. The book starts off slow, but after about half way it picks up and becomes far more interesting.

The first 1/3 of The Rise of Endymion is also rather slow, but its picking up again so hopefully it ends well. There is a reason why the church prefers their prophets dead.

General Earwa / Re: Re: TSA related art and stuff.
« on: October 30, 2013, 08:04:42 pm »

A point of light on their forehead between their eyes. Know this.
Dude, i know the light comes from the forehead, I didn't conceptualize the water being borne there. Just as the other schoolmen's eyes/mouth glow the actual arcane geometries go through the fingers, etc.

Gosh, this is my first time through here.

General Misc. / Re: Yet another 'Sexist Art?' thread
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:32:31 pm »
Who is Saaj?

Philosophy & Science / Re: What do you believe?
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:29:35 pm »
We're on the shore and an ocean of mystery lies before us.

As a species, we can only swim so far, by which I mean the big question won't be answered by our limited cognitive abilities. So if there's nothing beyond the Veil we won't ever have answers about consciousness.

Additionally given the vastness of this mystery we might as well stop worrying too much about physics and space programs - by which I mean cut funding by massive amounts - unless it benefits us in some definitive way.

Didn't read your whole post yet Francis, sorry. Just came here to poke Sci.  ;)

Swoops in
The broken hubble space telescope lens led to the discovery of the most advanced breast cancer early detection systems to date. Defunding any one sector of research will always have unseen consequences. Serendipitous discoveries lead to massive advances in science and technology that would otherwise take decades or centuries of direct research.

General Earwa / Re: Re: TSA related art and stuff.
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:23:06 pm »
The light from the sun streaming down past his body is awesome. I never thought the water came through the forehead, but I like it. Though ironic that a Psukari would bear water from his mind

General Earwa / Re: Re: TSA related art and stuff.
« on: October 29, 2013, 10:46:53 pm »

General Earwa / Re: Re: TSA related art and stuff.
« on: October 29, 2013, 07:59:47 pm »
I suspected you would do that one eventually, it fits well with what you have already done. Going to have to read that scene again when I get home now.

"Vengeance roamed the halls of the Compound. Like a God."
So. Much. Epic.

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