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Messages - JRControl

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General Earwa / Re: Dune (Frank Herbert) and TSA (Bakker)
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:16:08 am »
I think I stopped around the fourth or the fifth one. It lost the thread for me around these parts or what I liked about them and more into generic space opera business.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:54:30 am »
Didn't Paul also use nukes on his final assault on Arrakis?  :)

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Head on a pole
« on: August 22, 2016, 02:04:03 am »
I thought it was related to some kind of tool for an anchoring effect like with Consult/Shaeonoara so the soul won't float away and be nom nomed by the hungry hungry Ciphos.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers] Whale Mothers
« on: August 19, 2016, 10:09:03 pm »
You always have to give way for the rule of cool. TSA has both style and substance.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] TGO Suicides
« on: August 18, 2016, 12:23:39 pm »
Suicide in general is an interesting topic. It is basically the purest expression of our will against our genes, at least the way I see it. The fact that Nonmen are basically unable intimates something curious, but I lack structure and articulation to frame it in.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 18, 2016, 10:48:25 am »
The Nail of Heaven could also be a kind of a stargate-type thing. It flared when it was used and was charging before the passing through.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 08, 2016, 10:59:12 pm »
But a below ground detonation is a serious waste of its power. He might as well have shoved the damn thing down under again. Things don't add up for me. Primary witnesses of him digging it up ended conveniently dead.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 08, 2016, 05:16:09 am »
Yeah, but this is a guy that is supposedly in absolute control of every remote facet of his body and emotions. He doesn't strike me as a guy who would show something outwardly just because. All his legions are assigned with purpose. Unless the madness has truly claimed him. (point for that, seemingly casual conversations with Malowebi and Splatma) The only time I can remember being surprised and out of control was when Aurang possessed Esmenet and used pheromones or something.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:52:06 am »
Am I misremembering? I binge-read TGO pretty late at night and tired so what I recall was that he used sorcery to excavate it out of the place/ground? Was it just lying there in plain sight? I'll admit my memory is very fuzzy on this and I often imagine things that didn't actually happen. I am still skeptical he could have figured all that out without outside information, otherwise Moenghus just looks like a big dumbass in comparison IMO.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:16:42 am »
That seems a bit of a stretch to me. Unless I missed something very obvious (I do get tunnel vision-y) I don't buy he could know there was something there, dig it out and know exactly what it was. Kellhus tells what people want to hear and twists or leverages that so they believe in him more. His honesty is his weapon and people just shrug away the rest because he is so clearly godlike in his showbusiness displays. Trump bit is just my bad joke about massive followings of strongmen who play to their audience perfectly.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: August 08, 2016, 03:56:55 am »
As others have pointed out, Kellhus was amazed and confused he he can be when he first encountered the Nuke. Having the Ordeal flee is a clear sign that he didn't want to sacrifice them and that he was very surprised about the Nuke.  Now,  I've seen where people say that sacrificing Saubon is proof he knew of it. But,  Saubon was going to be sacrificed regardless.  When Kellhus would've been finished making new ground of Virus and elemenating the Bashrag,  he would have left the same as he did withe Nuke. And, I am a firm believer that Aurang was there to activate the Nuke, rather than just be a spectator.

Man, I don't know. I really don't trust Kellhus outside his own PoVs. He is what he needs to be. Maybe at that point it suited him to look amazed and confused. Oh look a thingamajig buried underground which God has shown me. Through my divinity I have surmised things are about to get hella more real. Run people, while I look all the more heroic floating above and yelling at you peons to run faster. Then God will thoroughly explain to me symptoms of radiation poisoning and I will tell you all about it because I care and will make Earwa great again. Vote Kellhus 4132! He will build a great wall around Golgoterrath and make the Inchoroi pay for it!

The Great Ordeal / Re: Prophecy as viramsata
« on: August 08, 2016, 03:37:05 am »
I think one of the important characteristics of Earwa is that belief shapes reality in some undisclosed fashion on it and in the Outside. I can't let go of that little information that Swerve (I am misspelling her name probably) from the PoN is in some way one of the more pivotal characters to the story. Recall that place, where our Macho Man Nayu Savage has his way with her, she looks to Kellhus, believes he sees her, feels her and is there save her. That he has been sent by Fortune to make her life great again. And Kellhus feels a smidgen of outrage.

Frustratingly I don't have the relevant passages at hand, only the unimportant parts. Another possibility it's something like that Greg Egan novel Distress. Playing 20 questions with the Universe, slowly elaborating the rules of the game through a lot of quantum weirdness that I've forgotten.

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] Music for TGO
« on: August 07, 2016, 01:14:45 am »
TGO - Kellhus - Mimara: Wounded Kings - Gnosis

General doom and gloom, Nonmen Mansions: YOB - The Great Cessation

Psatma's / Malowebi Themes: Kobra and the Lotus  -  High Priestess

Korringhus on Qirri:


General Earwa / Re: Biblical allusions in TSA
« on: August 04, 2016, 03:05:50 pm »
The Ark of Damnation though...or salvation, depending on how you look at it.

Calvinists eh? So was predestination a big factor in the system then? What is the point of organized worship at that point aside from family values and community?

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO SPOILERS] The Parts Appalling
« on: August 03, 2016, 08:01:03 pm »
I like the rationalizations though of sorcery possibly being a low hanging fruit that limited the overall focus of the goal, because it certainly crossed my mind in a similar fashion.

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