Serwa's "promotion":I've noticed that in TUC, Serwa starts being referred to as "Exalt-Magus" sometime after her return to the Ordeal. Before that, Saccarees was the one who appeared to hold that title (going by mentions in TGO).
Does this mean Serwa was the Exalt-Magus all along and Saccarees replaced her in her absence? It doesn't seem so in TJE and TWLW, as her only title in those books (aside from Princess-Imperial, of course) seems to be Grandmistress of the Swayali.
(Not going to add any quotes here, as it doesn't seem necessary, there are quite a few mentions of the Exalt-Magus title anyway...)Patridomos of House Biaxi:This was something I noticed while working on the character list (the Serwa thing had been noticed before, just kept forgetting about it). The glossary entries both refer to Sankas and Tarpellas as Patridomos of House Biaxi:
Sankas, Biaxi (4066-4132)-The Patridomos of House Biaxi, and confidant of Anasûrimbor Esmenet. Granted Consulship of Nansur after the arrest of Cutias Pansulla in 4132. Found murdered in the Andiamine Heights the autumn of that same year.
Tarpellas, Biaxi (4101-)-Ordealman, Patridomos of House Biaxi, General of the Nansur contingent of the Great Ordeal of Anasûrimbor Kellhus.
Well, this might make sense, maybe Tarpellas succeeded Sankas (the fact of Sankas' death being known through Kellhus or the like). The ages make it possible that Tarpellas was Sankas' son (despite the fact that it was never actually stated what their family relationship was). Tarpellas could still be next in line regardless of family relationship.
The problem with this is that Tarpellas is referred as the Patridomos of House Biaxi in chapter 2 of TWLW (spring of 4132), months
before Sankas' death:
They consisted of the disciplined Nansur under the young General Biaxi Tarpellas, Patridomos of House Biaxi, a shrewd tactician
Do you all think we might have a slight inconsistency here? Apart from this line, everything could make sense if you assumed Tarpellas had succeeded Sankas as Patridomos.