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Messages - EkyannusIII

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I had forgotten that I posted something that belligerent here.

Maybe I'll source it later this week, I should try to come by more.

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: January 06, 2015, 03:32:21 pm »
Is Maithanet not an example of hybrid vigor? Aspect Emperor Spoilers:
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I was specifically thinking of his comprehensive inferiority to Kellhus. Maithanet would have been more interesting if he had been better at some things than Kellhus and thus more of a threat.

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:02:49 pm »
My bid is that Moenghus gambled and lost, as you have said, both arguments exist and I've had to pick a side, though you all have gone a long way to make me wonder...

As for Maithanet, consider that it seems that all the children respect the Pragma. Moe was the one doing the conditioning, as the Pragma to him. I don't find it at all hard to believe that Maithanet found it inconceivable to rebel against his absent father, but disagreed with his half-brother, his father's first son who murdered his beloved daddy.
They respect the Pragma because the Pragma have power over them. They do not love the Pragma. And I doubt Maithanet's relationship with Moenghus was particularly loving either.

Probably not.  I am disappointed that we never got Maithanet as a viewpoint character. I also wish Bakker had written him as an example of hybrid vigor instead of being a half-breed mule.

General Earwa / Re: The Inchoroi
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:00:13 pm »
Shaeonanra explicitly makes it sound like all they found were the twins. Aurang and Aurax are the last of their species. Unless they've managed to clone more after re-mastering the Tekne.

Has it ever been confirmed by Bakker that every member of their species decided to embrace rape as a way of life? There might be some more decent Inchoroi still living on their homeworld, wherever that is.  (A pet theory of mine is that the Ark was fleeing from non-depraved Inchoroi who had decided to exterminate the deviants.)

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:54:56 pm »
But here's one more bit that has always tripped me up and why I personally find even more evidence for Moe being behind it all:

When Kellhus is Kelsplaining stuff to Moe, he suggests that Moe met a dead end because the Cishaurim's own lack of understanding of whatever underlying principles of the Pshukhe.  I find this hard to believe for a couple of reasons.  For one, the Cish don't seem like pure religious fanatics:  they seem like really enlightened monks from a pre-tech or scientific method world; hardly idiots who just love the Transcendent God the most.  But even if we accept that the Psukhe can't be mapped like the Gnosis can be, I still find it really hard to believe that Moenghus took such an incredible risk and got it so wrong.  The Cish don't understand their craft?  Could be, but Moenghus is Dunyain, motherfucker.  If Kellhus made an error kicking a skull, Moenghus made a lightyears-worse mistake letting someone blind him for something he didn't understand.  Not really plausible. 

Simplest explanation is that Bakker missed a stitch in making a consistent history for Papa Moe.

The Judging Eye / Re: The Seal & The Wight of the Mountain
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:42:06 pm »
The Aztecs buried women who died in childbirth with the same funeral rites as war heroes. 

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Side Effects of Eating Sranc
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:41:20 pm »
Though, it may turn out not to be a big deal. Another example of baseless dogma being overturned.

Moral revulsion at what the sranc are - unnatural rape goblins - is hardly baseless.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: How to kill a No-God without a Heron Spear?
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:22:05 pm »
Kellhus can almost certainly reconstruct the Heron Spear, it's principles are simply the extension of the technology used to burn ants with a magnifying lens.  I am somewhat disappointed that the only new war tech we have gotten to see are some unspecified siege engines mentioned in TJE.

General Earwa / The Dûnyain
« on: September 11, 2014, 03:44:56 pm »
"Who are the Dunyain?"


General Q&A / Re: Imperial Saik & the first 2 Holy Wars [Q&A]
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:25:50 pm »
Does anybody know what the Imperial Saik were doing during the first 2 holy wars?  It would be strange if they were attacked since they serve the Nansur Empire.  The emperor wouldn't want his school destroyed and the shriah would really damage relationships with the emperor, bad since they have to live so close.

But if the Saik helped the holy fight other schools, there's no mention of it.  Maybe they sat on the sidelines?


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General Earwa / Re: The Inchoroi
« on: July 31, 2014, 10:38:18 pm »
Who's the First Father? The inventor of sorcery?
Perhaps a creator/progenitor myth?

That's what I assumed when I read that. I've always thought it was very suspicious that there are virtually no creation myths whatsoever, especially within the Inrithi faith or even the Fanim.

I think that is a reflection of Bakker's worldbuilding process, and specifically the fact that he did not seriously flesh out Inrithism and it's theology (to whatever extent he has done that at all) until well into his writing of TWP. If you recall Inrau's unfortunate meeting with Not!Sarcellus and the Rape Pigeon, there was a brief exchange in which Inrau asks Auranx why he does what he does, and Auranx laughs and replies "You worship suffering."  This enrages Inrau because "it didn't understand!", but it is never expanded upon later and we still know next to nothing about Inrithism.  I think that Bakker originally intended Inri Sejenus to be a much more exact Christ-analog than he has turned out to be, complete with some sort of atoning vicarious death, hence the "suffering" Auranx mentioned, but that Bakker dropped that idea when drafting TWP in order to improve Kellhus' plot arc with the Circumfixion (you'll note that there is no comparable torment in the life of Sejenus that we know of, although he does get a trial before evil King Shikol, presumably an expy of Pilate). If I am right, this would also explain why Auranx's comment angers Inrau so: the Inchoroi's artificially deadened emotions prevent him from recognizing the difference between bearing suffering to save others and his own psychopathic sadism. 

If all of that is on target, then it is possible that Earwa's version of the Biblical Adam is not discussed in the books because Bakker never worked on that aspect of things, just as he hardly worked on Inrithism's central figure beyond the necessary points needed to serve the narrative purposes of TSA.

General Earwa / Re: Kellhus' Limits
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:53:49 pm »
I've suggested that Kellhus has control of one of the Cults partaking in rebellion. Say, Gilgaol.

That's very plausible, the High Cultist of Gilgaol is a hereditary position, hence the leader of the cult is a sort of clerical aristocrat in his own right; and Gilgaol is mentioned as being very popular with Earwan nobility, for obvious reasons.  It seems unlikely that such a prestigious office would go unintegrated into the structure of the Kellian empire in the same way that being village shaman for Yatwer might.


This is what America needs right now. Tanks in the streets. This is so fucked up I do not even know what to say.

Increasing militarization is inevitable given the general disintegration of demanding, authoritarian cultural restraints and the flooding of the US with Third World peasants, many of whom can be politely described as refuse. The question is whether or not we have the will to address the causes of the militarization (lol no we don't) or whether we will complain about it like a drunk who hates his hangover but won't give up his rum.

General Earwa / Re: To Madness...
« on: July 15, 2014, 04:22:58 pm »
Madness, can you confirm or deny: the Inchoroi on Earwa are the last of their kind in the universe, or just the last from the Ark/on that planet?

General Earwa / Re: Biblical allusions in TSA
« on: July 14, 2014, 08:46:51 pm »
Wonder if the Whore of Babylon is connected to Esmi?

She is referenced as "the Whore of Sumna" in one of the recap-prologues.

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