[TGO Spoilers] Things you wished had been in TGO/want in future books

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« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2016, 03:00:32 am »

Bashrags, man.

NO NO NO--The Bashrag are totes diff yo!  The description of them when they were hiding in Dagliash gave the template--they are the Animated Offal!  What's that fancy A-word for garbage, the one philosophers use; blanking out on it right now.


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« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2016, 07:03:59 am »
So eating sranc meat also gives humans much better eyesight in darkness. Proyas makes note of this in some of his POV sections.

So bear with me...

The Great Ordeal marching into to the tunnels in the Ring Mountains. Fighting the sranc in the tunnels, makes for plenty of natural choke points. Their new lowlight/dark vision means that they'll be able to see just fine and won't be ambushed. Blocking off the tunnels with piles of sranc corpses, retreating, rinse wash repeat.  Imagine pitch blackness and the Ordeal/sranc hordes fighting underground.

And then the Quya Erratics and Schoolman are fighting outside or something.


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« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2016, 09:26:18 pm »
So eating sranc meat also gives humans much better eyesight in darkness. Proyas makes note of this in some of his POV sections.

So bear with me...

The Great Ordeal marching into to the tunnels in the Ring Mountains. Fighting the sranc in the tunnels, makes for plenty of natural choke points. Their new lowlight/dark vision means that they'll be able to see just fine and won't be ambushed. Blocking off the tunnels with piles of sranc corpses, retreating, rinse wash repeat.  Imagine pitch blackness and the Ordeal/sranc hordes fighting underground.

And then the Quya Erratics and Schoolman are fighting outside or something.

It would be an interesting parallel with the Battle of Ishual.
It's possible, but I believe it implausible: I expect there to be more sranc, bashrag, etc, in the Ark, but I don't think It and the Consult are going to let themselves be goaded like that.
Cuts and cuts and cuts...


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« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2016, 09:22:56 pm »
this is more of a prediction then a want.
Mimara's head will be removed and put on a pole. With the judging eye she will become the the device of determining who gets saved and who will be damned. This device could be a weapon for both The Consult or Kellhus.
"Wutrim kut mi’puru kamuir!"

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« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2016, 04:56:34 am »

Bashrags, man.

NO NO NO--The Bashrag are totes diff yo!  The description of them when they were hiding in Dagliash gave the template--they are the Animated Offal!  What's that fancy A-word for garbage, the one philosophers use; blanking out on it right now.

Agree with MG on this one. Bashrag are walking chemical weapons, and the Tekne bomb was set to disperse the plague "in the right direction" -- that being south. The Ordealsmen (led by the disillusioned Proyas) that are not infected must continue north, bringing the battle deeper. The Great Ordeal was purged of those too weak to go forward.

The Tall, meanwhile, seem like the longterm Nonman-version of Cniaur, who at 60+ years old is, if anything, more formidable than he was 20 years ago. The text describes "heroes as belonging to the World more than any other, since bravery is impossible in hell and unnecessary in heaven" (not verbatim but damn close). This is because in order to be a genuine Hero, one must defy the odds of the world/antagonist killing them (or more abstractly, obstructing their goal). After all, what else is the typical notion of a hero? A survivor. The Tall are the most Heroic Nonmen, which is another way of saying that they clung to living (surviving) more than any other.

Those Ordealsmen "naturally selected" to bring the battle deeper into Golgotterath are...

The Great Ordeal marching into to the tunnels in the Ring Mountains. Fighting the sranc in the tunnels, makes for plenty of natural choke points. Their new lowlight/dark vision means that they'll be able to see just fine and won't be ambushed. Blocking off the tunnels with piles of sranc corpses, retreating, rinse wash repeat.  Imagine pitch blackness and the Ordeal/sranc hordes fighting underground.

...being primed to do exactly this.


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« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2016, 04:27:03 am »
this is more of a prediction then a want.
Mimara's head will be removed and put on a pole. With the judging eye she will become the the device of determining who gets saved and who will be damned. This device could be a weapon for both The Consult or Kellhus.

But, the JE is in her womb, not her head. Maybe, "There is a Womb on a pole behind you."?£
“No. I am your end. Before your eyes I will put your seed to the knife. I will quarter your carcass and feed it to the dogs. Your bones I will grind to dust and cast to the winds. I will strike down those who speak your name or the name of your fathers, until ‘Yursalka’ becomes as meaningless as infant babble. I will blot you out, hunt down your every trace! The track of your life has come to me,


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« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2016, 10:55:09 am »
I want to see:

1. Great Ordeal cought between Scylvendi and Horde - probably anihilating each other;
2. No-God being resurrected;
3. Character re-union or basicly character Wrestlemania Royal Rumble in the bowels of Golgotterath;
4. Cnaiur going after Consult killing anybody on his way and finally laughing No-God in the face - the most brutal of men;
5. God/s walk the Earth;
6. Achamian and Mimara vs Kelhus showdown;
7. More Tekne;
8. Secrets revealed - like what is chanv and who made it?

oh and most of all
I want to see Pirates, its a 7th book of a series, there finally must be some Pirates. I will settle even for Space Pirates, ok. But Pirates are a must.

I don't want to see:
1. Any more the Kelmommans fella

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« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2016, 02:47:54 am »
1. Some surprising approach to Anasurimbor person from Celmomian Prophecy. A descendant of the First Apocalypse war captives; a dunyain renegade; a tekne reconstruction from multiple sources; etc. Bonus points if a full member of the Consult and have never ever met Cnaiur, yet.
2. Parallel plots and accidents which take the same place but occur throught different times (First & Second Apocalypse, Cuno-Inchoroic wars & Great Ordeals). Just for the sake of time abyss -- f.e. when later heroes take cover behind fallen monument which crushed their predecessors to death or was collapsed by their onslaught.
3. Fortunate & unlucky attemps of ordealsmen using pieces of the Tekne (taken as war spoils & throught feverish excavations). Sibawul te Nurwul with jetpack! Or in a soggomant zorb, running around, who knows.
4. New and/or unknown schools of sorcery.
5. Meta-tekne.

I know most of them silly, but.