Miscellaneous Chatter > Literature
"the golden age" by John C Wright
Lol. Thanks, Royce. I've probably learned more words reading them than being socialized and, thus, already suffer from poor pronunciation. But it's heartening to see such success in others.
I've read TSA... a number of times.
--- Quote ---It probably took me a lot longer to read it. Maybe not every chapter, but I definitely re-read plenty of pages and sentences. So much is missed the first time through that a second read through everything after you've completed it is highly recommended. I was blow away by home much better TSA was the 2nd time around.
--- End quote ---
I thought I had a decent understanding of the concepts in PON,until I found this forum :) You guys are insanely committed to pick Bakkers brain apart,and I love that :) I guess I have to read it several more times before I reach the level of discussion that arises on this forum.
Nonsense Royce. Just do what I do and simply pretend like you know as much as everyone else :). Really though, read it a 2nd time if you haven't and you'll be caught up to me... Though if TUC is supposed to come out in about a year I might have to read it all again just to be sure I'm in the proper mindset. Maybe I'll buy the audiobooks and see if the reader is any good. I've found I have a weakness for well read books.
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