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Personality test based on Jungian typology


I am not particularly fond of personality tests, but this one was disturbingly accurate :)


INFP here!

Cool, but about 50% of the questions seemed like variations of the same question: do you like to socialize or not?

eta: Got INTP.

Yeah I agree. I am more interested in the typology that is the foundation for the test. These tests are always flawed one way or another. There is a vast amount of info on Jungs system of typology, and I have just dipped my toe into that ocean.

ISFJ, as always. And here is something that may make you laugh - prayers for various personality types: http://www.bouldertherapist.com/html/humor/MentalHealthHumor/prayermyersbriggs.html

Haha, the prayer directed at my type made perfect sense ;D


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