Miscellaneous Chatter > Writing
Fan Fic Piece
What Came Before:
--- Quote from: Church ---very nice, I would have believed it was an RSB original!
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What Came Before:
--- Quote from: Francis Buck ---I liked that a lot Madness, good work.
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What Came Before:
--- Quote from: Madness ---Cheers, everyone.
Honestly, Francis, I wish I'd share more with the story a day thread - you, Callan, and, especially, sciborg are inspiring on a daily basis. Its just the few times I've attempted to contribute, I've enjoyed my creativity so much, I've ended up poaching them for my ongoing trilogy :).
Church... wow. Thanks. Huge grin lol.
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What Came Before:
--- Quote from: robaczka ---It was really good! nice to read it:)
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What Came Before:
--- Quote from: Madness ---Cheers, robaczka. Welcome to the Second Apocalypse.
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