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Messages - Dora Vee

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VNV Nation - Ghost (Nomenklatur Remix) HQ

Conphas as Aspect-Emperor? I'm sure Proyas and Saubon would be glad to hear that. :p

Opie and Anthony Jocktober stream.

General Earwa / Re: The Prince of Nothing (Film)
« on: October 29, 2017, 02:01:58 pm »
Too many crackers imo.

Totally. The Ketyai ain't white. Proyas should be played by a 20-something handsome dude from Bollywood, not some white cracka boi.

Pedro Pascal is a POC. And I was under the impression that the Ketyai were like Southern Europeans.

But, yea, yellowfacing is still a bit of a problem. :/

The Unholy Consult / Re: Is Earwa doomed?
« on: October 27, 2017, 04:41:36 pm »
And they turn the world into something like this:


"All at one with the world."

Shijima is the Reason of Hikawa. It is based on stillness and oneness. It is a world of perfect harmony, without self, without passion, without conflict, without destruction. Individuality is eradicated and there is simply a collective inner peace in which everyone is equal to God. This collective functions as cogs in the giant, stable machine that is the universe. It is a lawful reason that is in someways related to the concept of Nirvana. Its demonic sponsor is Ahriman and is based on the Law Alignment of the previous Shin Megami Tensei games.

From here:

SMT: Nocturne is also a fantastic game.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Is Earwa doomed?
« on: October 27, 2017, 04:22:42 pm »
I actually picture an ending similar to how Dark Souls ends. Not without some hope, but still pretty damned bleak. Especially Dark Souls III.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Is Earwa doomed?
« on: October 27, 2017, 03:36:34 pm »
Honestly, I think Earwa will be doomed, but not because of the No God, but because of the actions of other humans.

For me, the person with the person fate is Proyas and not just because he ended up emerging as the overall favorite. The reasons have already been stated and I am aware of his flaws. You wouldn't believe the things I've said about him on my Tumblr. But, I think he suffered the worst fate and well, it infuriated me as a lot of people here (and on Westeros) should already know. Now, Achamian is the only character who matters to me.

Anyway, Serwe is at a close second with Nay-Cayuti close behind.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Is Earwa doomed?
« on: October 26, 2017, 05:37:54 pm »
(seriously, can't Prosha get a break?)

No, of course not.  >:(

If there is an alternative, what could it be?

I've been wondering this too and really thinking that Kellhus would most likely be looking for AND finding that route. I DID think "killing faith" and thus starving/killing the beings on the Outside might have been a key. I had thought that Damnation and Heaven was based on Faith. Eliminate that and you eliminate eternal, well, anything. But, if it has nothing to do with belief and faith, then the key is to look for the cause. Isn't that how you find a cure?

I wish I could give a better answer. :(

General Misc. / Re: Favorite Style of Music
« on: October 26, 2017, 02:05:34 am »
I voted for Trance, Industrial, and Rave.

General Misc. / Re: Favorite Style of Music
« on: October 25, 2017, 07:54:12 pm »
Electronic music is my current fave sort of music.

General Misc. / Re: Video Game Thread! What are you playing?
« on: October 25, 2017, 05:33:24 pm »
Ship piloting 3 was a HUGE pain in the ass. It got good at the last naval battle, but too little, too late.

General Misc. / Re: Video Game Thread! What are you playing?
« on: October 25, 2017, 05:18:14 pm »
I loved Assassin's Creed up until Brotherhood. Revelations was beautifully made, but I wasn't that fond of it. AC3 taught me a lesson about getting games too quickly. I spent a lot of money for a game that had some great, intense moments, but ultimately meh. :(

I have Black Flag, but have not played it. I have the Vita one for a bundle, but haven't played that either. Unity I refuse to touch.

Was playing a Nersei Proyas playthrough of Dragon Quest Builders, but I stopped at the final battle. Sometimes I do that with playthroughs because after the final battle is the end. :( Does have Terra Incognita though and that's like Terraria.

Will most likely do a Proyas build for either Dark Souls II SOTFS or Dark Souls III. Gee, I wonder what kind of build he would be.

General Earwa / Re: The Prince of Nothing (Film)
« on: October 25, 2017, 04:55:44 pm »
Engaging Forum Necromancy. Here are my picks for a show that will likely never happen:

Kellhus: Evan Williams (Chevalier of Versailles)

Proyas: Pedro Pascal(Oberyn GOT), Alexander Vlahos(Monsieur of Versailles), Jonathan Rhys Meyers(The Tudors)

Conphas: Eugene Simon(Lancel GOT)

Achamian: If Robin Williams was still alive, he would have been perfect. :( But now? George Blagden(Louis 14th Versailles), John Bradley-West(Samwell Tarley. GOT)

Esmenet: Indira Varma (Ellaria Sand. GOT)

Mimara: Rosabell Laurenti Sellers (Tyene Sand. GOT)

Xerius: Rodrigo_Santoro (Xerxes in 300)

Istriya: Diana Rigg (Olenna GOT), Helen Mirren(The Queen)

The Synthese: Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad)

Cnaiur: Mick Foley(he was insane Mankind for WWE).

Moenghus: Jonathan Pryce (High Sparrow GOT)

I guess that’ll do for now. The rest? I either can’t think of any or just haven’t thought about it. :/

Here's a link to a nice and bearded Alexander Vlahos:

The Warrior-Prophet / Re: Achamian in Iothiah
« on: October 24, 2017, 12:21:24 am »
I think there might be a couple others who don't like him, but they are uncommon.

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