Found a gnostic spell list in the wiki - need to remember what they all do though!
The Bar of Heaven - big fluorescent light

The Bisecting Planes of Mirseor
The Cant of Sideways Stepping - meta-gnosis cant of calling?
The Cants of Torment (Agonies)
The Cirroi Loom
The Compass of Noshainrau
The Cross of Arches - a ward?
The Ellipses of Thosolankis
The First Qûyan Fold
The Huiritic Ring
The Ishra Discursia - cant of calling
The Mathesis Pin
The Ninth Merotic
The Noviratic Spike
The Odaini Concussion Cant
The Scythe of Gotagga
The Seventh Qûyan Theorem
The Surrillic Cant of Illumination
The Thawa Ligatures - one of the agonies?
The Third Concentric
The Weära Comb
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