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[TUC Spoilers} Apocalypse, Armageddon, Eucalyptus, and Word Choice

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--- Quote from: Nichamian on February 13, 2020, 12:05:01 pm ---I don’t recall it coming up until TAE, I think the WHCB sections refer to the ‘First Apocalypse’, which heavily implies an as yet unmentioned Second. Akka also declares it to the Ordeal as they retreat, ‘the Second Apocalypse is upon us’ or some such. Its late on, but Bakker does mention it in text.

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We were talking about the title of the series as a whole, though, not about the words "The Second Apocalypse" being present in the prose.

Various mentions from Cu'jara Cinmoi on ZTS. There are others I recall but the search features are on ZTS are... difficult to navigate.

- The Series That Comes After?:

--- Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi ---The Aspect-Emperor, another trilogy which returns to the demented cast (those that survive, that is) of PON some twenty years later. More than a few people groan when I say this, which is why I always feel the need to explain myself! First, I conceived and roughed out the greater cycle of stories (as a trilogy of trilogies) the year before WoT came out, so this is most definitely not a case of me slavishly following commercial precedents. This means, secondly, that every book in the series is motivated by STORY, and not money (if there is any in this business!) Third, PON is a complete tale, and not merely the first third of one. The relationship of AE to PON is more akin to the relationship between the Dune books, though the narrative arc that binds them - the story of the Second Apocalypse - is, I like to think, less ad hoc than Herbert's.

As strange as it sounds, I look at PON as my version of The Hobbit.
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- Scott, tell me this won't be your excuse for delaying TTT ;):

--- Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi ---I have outlines that sketch the entire story of the Second Apocalypse, starting with The Aspect-Emperor and ending with a third. Whether these will turn into trilogies like The Prince of Nothing remains to be seen. They could be dualogies.
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- A few questions . . .:

--- Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi ---The original plan was to write The Second Apocalypse (am I weird for loving that title as much as I do?) as a trilogy. Since the first installment, The Prince of Nothing turned into a trilogy in itself, I'm assuming the same thing will happen with the sequels.
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Thank you, Madness! Now, let's blame Overlook.

It is interesting, though, why did Bakker consider "The No-God" to be a spoiler, then?

I honestly think that he thought readers wouldn't expect (and he was borne out on this somewhat) that the No-God would actually rise again in the novels.

Plus he's mentioned to me since "revealing" The No-God title that he didn't want readers going through the preceding novels expecting Kellhus' to become the No-God (given that the third series title breaks the convention of series titles).


--- Quote from: Madness on February 16, 2020, 06:45:57 pm ---Plus he's mentioned to me since "revealing" The No-God title that he didn't want readers going through the preceding novels expecting Kellhus' to become the No-God (given that the third series title breaks the convention of series titles).

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As the saying goes, two is just a coincidence!


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