I'll have to look into it, as I always thought that Issiral was the first WLW.
I think I wasn't clear in my last post(s), sorry about that. I meant that the man with the TJE POV who became the first WLW was Issiral, it's just that he probably was named something else before becoming the WLW (and we never learn what his original name might have been). Issiral is almost certainly not his actual name...
Not at all. I read it again and perfectly understood what you meant. The mistake was entirely mine.
I'm also not too sure if I got all the POV's for TUC entirely nailed down, due to the constantly changing narrative used throughout the battle of Golgotterath.
Was the Mandate grandmaster (Sacarees) a POV or were those sections part of the omniscient narrator perspective.
I had exactly the same problem when skimming through TUC looking for POVs that might have been missed.
I'm guessing you're referring to that section where Saccarees and Kayûtas find out Skuthula is guarding the Intrinsic Gate? I couldn't figure out if it was a Saccarees POV or an omniscient one. Seems a bit too specific to be omniscient, but then again, it doesn't seem to have any particular passages that indicate that it's from Saccarees' POV... (I would probably go with omniscient in this case.)
I also noticed that one section where Ussiliar and his Shrial Knights find Serwa after she's hit with the pulse from the Sun Lance. Seems like it could be from Ussiliar's POV at first glance, but there don't seem to be clear indicators that it is either.
Yes, I'm refering to the section where Saccarees and Kayutas find Skuthula guarding the gate. I fully understand the confusion as it can be very hard to pin things down sometimes, especially when no internal monologues are present to clear up any doubts and Bakker is known for using an omniscient narrator to describe battle scenes.
Cnaiur is another peculiar case as we do see him march towards the Apocalypse at the very end. That's one section I'll have to go over again as I think I missed out on the little details, though I do believe it was his POV.
I'm also certain that Kalakiol (Ciphrang) and Aurang get their own POV's here, albeit brief ones.
Had it not been for the PON wiki, I would have missed out on the fact that Yatwer got her own tiny POV in TWLW.