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Messages - Old Gnostic Fool

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The Unholy Consult / Re: Influences on TSA
« on: May 20, 2018, 01:26:46 am »
I get the Dune and LotR analogies....not the ASOIAF though. Really in fantasy, you can find similarities if you want to. I enjoyed seeing another author use Kellhus as a minor, minor character. I felt that was a homage to TSA....but was it? Ive no idea.

I got it from Wertzone's article about Golgotterath.

The Second Apocalypse fuses real-life history, particularly that of the Crusades and Alexander the Great, to religious imagery and mythology, as well as drawing in a strong science fiction focus, with side-stories exploring everything from quantum physics to genetic engineering to Biblical numerology. But Bakker was also inspired by more obvious sources: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Frank Herbert’s Dune and (much later in the developmental process), George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones. In particular, Tolkien resonated strongly with Bakker, whose own creation myths, immortal Nonmen and horrible monsters echo many elements found in the earlier work.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Influences on TSA
« on: May 20, 2018, 01:19:43 am »
ToT, it was in The Traitor Son Cycle, by Miles Cameron. In the 3rd or 4th book, after a battle The Red Knight speaks with his commanders and one is named Kellhus. I liked to think it was a TSA homage. Who knows, though?

Likely, since the name Kellhus is very distinct.

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: May 20, 2018, 12:25:19 am »

I'll do that for each of the books when I can, then. :)
I don't remember any other POV with the Dreams either.
In TWP (or is it TTT?) Akka talks to Nautzera in the middle of a Dream, but if I remember correctly, Akka is the POV there and not Nautzera. Do Nautzera's POV sections ever include a Dream?

It was at the beginning of TTT and it was from Achamian's POV. Nautzera only gets one section in TTT where Maithanet arrives to expose the skin spy. I know he has one in TDTCB, but I read that one  a while back so I don't remember what that section involves.

Like you said, Serwa's POV never actually includes her experiencing the Dreams, we only hear about them via Sorweel's POV. As far as I remember, there are no other POV characters that have actually touched Seswatha's Heart.

Serwa's POV's in TGO happen while she's being held hostage at Ishterebinth and in TUC during the battle against the Wracu. She describes some of her dreams to Sorweel when he questions her, but that is never done durin her POV.

I don't think anyone else has touched Seswatha's heart. It's  a shame we never got Eskeles as a POV as I would have like to know more about him.

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: May 15, 2018, 02:40:08 am »
Well I only mentioned the last two books because they are not covered by the PON wiki, but if something is missing from any of the others, I'd like to know that as well.

Actually, that is a good idea, I'll try to check if something is missing as the current reread goes along.

I was also trying to follow the format presented by the wiki, which excludes the POV dreams altogether.  If we include Nau-Cayuti, then we need to consider Seswatha as well from all the previous dreams present throughout the series.

While we technically do have the POVs of Seswatha, Nau-Cayûti and Celmomas (am I missing anyone?) via the Dreams, they're not really direct POVs as the others are, as the main POV character is still Akka. They're more like secondary POVs. Maybe we could add them to the POV lists in the wiki as something like "Seswatha (in Achamian's Dreams)" or "Seswatha (secondary POV)"?

That's a good idea. I only remember those three from the dreams, so I'm not too sure if anyone is missing. We never get Serwa's POV when she's dreaming but I doubt it would involve anyone other than Seswatha.

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: May 14, 2018, 12:43:34 am »
I actually can't remember the Yatwer POV at all... gonna have to make up for that.

It's quite easy to miss. The wiki was especially helpful in reminding me of all the small ones scattered throughout the series.

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: May 14, 2018, 12:36:29 am »
Not sure if you're counting Achamian's Dreams as POVs, but if you are then you can add Nau-Cayuti to the list. Also there's a Sranc POV very briefly somewhere in TWLW, where Soma is talking to one.

ETA: Nevermind, just saw you're only doing TGO/TUC.

Well I only mentioned the last two books because they are not covered by the PON wiki, but if something is missing from any of the others, I'd like to know that as well.

I was also trying to follow the format presented by the wiki, which excludes the POV dreams altogether.  If we include Nau-Cayuti, then we need to consider Seswatha as well from all the previous dreams present throughout the series.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Influences on TSA
« on: May 13, 2018, 11:57:34 pm »
The most obvious one is Tolkien's of course in the way the world is styled, but I do believe that there's a Malazan and ASOIAF influence in there as well. Now I know that Bakker started conceiving his world some 15 years before the debut novel hit shelves, so I don't think it's extensive in any way.

If I'm not mistaken, Dune was mentioned as one of his biggest inspirations. I've not read it, so I don't know much about it.

The No-God / Re: Deaths in TNG
« on: May 13, 2018, 11:40:59 pm »
It's also worth noting that Achamian and Esmenet are the only two characters to have POV's in all books. I can see them biting the dust in TNG, if only for the sake of full closure.

Do you really know that Iyokus is dead? I barely remember him being mentioned in TAE other than his role in teaching Kellhus about demon summoning.

General Misc. / Re: Video Game Thread! What are you playing?
« on: March 29, 2018, 10:58:05 pm »
Picked up my New Game+ save for the Witcher 3 to play on my 1440p monitor. Game is still such a masterpiece!

I don't see any game beating it anytime soon. Here's hoping that Cyberpunk delivers the same kind of engaging narrative.
I'm also looking forward to Red Dead 2.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: March 29, 2018, 10:55:33 pm »
Haha, yeah there's a nice jump scare then, but honestly the whole sequence with the music playing to the shots of Crystal Lake + the ending line ("Then he's still there") actually made me very emotional.

I personally dropped Westworld after the first episode. The whole android/AI thing kinda pisses me off.

Dude, as a friend I tell you this, Westworld is FUCKED - UP ... give it another shot, I'm guessing it'll surprise you. Fucking love this show - but fuck-all to HBO waiting 2 fucking years for the second season, you fucks.

I'm looking forward to the second season as the first one really impressed me. Hopefully, it can maintain that momentum throughout it's run.
Has HBO given any indication as to how long it is meant to be?

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: March 29, 2018, 10:39:49 pm »
I'll have to look into it, as I always thought that Issiral was the first WLW.

I think I wasn't clear in my last post(s), sorry about that. I meant that the man with the TJE POV who became the first WLW was Issiral, it's just that he probably was named something else before becoming the WLW (and we never learn what his original name might have been). Issiral is almost certainly not his actual name...

Not at all. I read it again and perfectly understood what you meant. The mistake was entirely mine.

I'm also not too sure if I got all the POV's for TUC entirely nailed down, due to the constantly changing narrative used throughout the battle of Golgotterath.

Was the Mandate grandmaster (Sacarees) a POV or were those sections part of the omniscient narrator perspective.

I had exactly the same problem when skimming through TUC looking for POVs that might have been missed.

I'm guessing you're referring to that section where Saccarees and Kayûtas find out Skuthula is guarding the Intrinsic Gate? I couldn't figure out if it was a Saccarees POV or an omniscient one. Seems a bit too specific to be omniscient, but then again, it doesn't seem to have any particular passages that indicate that it's from Saccarees' POV... (I would probably go with omniscient in this case.)

I also noticed that one section where Ussiliar and his Shrial Knights find Serwa after she's hit with the pulse from the Sun Lance. Seems like it could be from Ussiliar's POV at first glance, but there don't seem to be clear indicators that it is either.

Yes, I'm refering to the section where Saccarees and Kayutas find Skuthula guarding the gate. I fully understand the confusion as it can be very hard to pin things down sometimes, especially when no internal monologues are present to clear up any doubts and Bakker is known for using an omniscient narrator to describe battle scenes.

Cnaiur is another peculiar case as we do see him march towards the Apocalypse at the very end. That's one section I'll have to go over again as I think I missed out on the little details, though I do believe it was his POV.

I'm also certain that Kalakiol (Ciphrang) and Aurang get their own POV's here, albeit brief ones.

Had it not been for the PON wiki, I would have missed out on the fact that Yatwer got her own tiny POV in TWLW.  ;D

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:23:18 am »
Thanks a lot.

It would be nice to see the POV section extended for TGO and TUC. In fact, TGO doesn't even have it's own page until now.

Who is the character who gets possessed by the White luck in TJE. Even though I only read the series a few months ago, I don't remember anything close to that scene. It's probably my fault, as I tend to miss some of the more obvious things.

I guess it's already time for a reread. ;D

I will try to add those updates to the wiki when I can. ;)

We never know the actual name of the man who becomes the first White-Luck Warrior, he is just referred to as such and later as Issiral.

To be sure, it's a short passage, so it's not hard to forget it's there. :) But rereads are always a good way to find things you hadn't noticed before!

I'll have to look into it, as I always thought that Issiral was the first WLW.

I'm also not too sure if I got all the POV's for TUC entirely nailed down, due to the constantly changing narrative used throughout the battle of Golgotterath.

Was the Mandate grandmaster (Sacarees) a POV or were those sections part of the omniscient narrator perspective.

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: March 26, 2018, 03:43:06 am »
I was checking out the PON wiki yesterday and I found a few from The Judging Eye that I don't seem to recall.

It says that the White Luck Warrior has one in this novel. I think he was introduced in the selfsame novel WLW.
Who are the Scribe and Sranc that are also mentioned?
I'm guessing the Traveller refers to the prologue, where it is assumed that Sarl is the one in question.

While my wiki edits haven't extended to book and POV pages yet, I can confirm that the White-Luck Warrior is indeed a POV character in TJE (I noticed that during my recent rework of the character list). He is "possessed" by the White-Luck and leaves his house and family just immediately before the whole building (neighbourhood?) collapses and kills everyone inside.

Can't remember where the Scribe and the Sranc come into play, but I can check if you want to.

I agree with you in that the Traveller refers to the prologue character. As far as I remember it was never confirmed that it was Sarl... I don't think it is him, because Sarl later mentions to Achamian he has been with the Captain since (at least) the time of the Holy War.

Thanks a lot.

It would be nice to see the POV section extended for TGO and TUC. In fact, TGO doesn't even have it's own page until now.

Who is the character who gets possessed by the White luck in TJE. Even though I only read the series a few months ago, I don't remember anything close to that scene. It's probably my fault, as I tend to miss some of the more obvious things.

I guess it's already time for a reread. ;D

General Earwa / Re: POV's in TGO/TUC
« on: March 25, 2018, 08:50:58 pm »
I was checking out the PON wiki yesterday and I found a few from The Judging Eye that I don't seem to recall.

It says that the White Luck Warrior has one in this novel. I think he was introduced in the selfsame novel WLW.
Who are the Scribe and Sranc that are also mentioned?
I'm guessing the Traveller refers to the prologue, where it is assumed that Sarl is the one in question.

General Earwa / Re: Visualizing the Inverse Fire
« on: March 21, 2018, 10:23:46 pm »
Haha, looks great.

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