Lying to me via PMs is fine, but I'll not have you be spreading such rumors to the community.
Hello all,
Well I enjoyed the Podcast very much. Nice to hear introductions from FB, Wilshire and Madness. Ill make a few comments myself before the review.
So that's how I discovered TSA.
Cheers, SR. Again, welcome to the Second Apocalypse.
So on with my review:
The content was very good and flowed quickly between topics.
No single person took over too much of the time.
Very balanced dialogue with speculations clearly noted.
Good references to material
Thanks. I feel like FB really carried us and I know for my part it was really easy to prompt some of the more interesting comparisons (Gnosticism/Earwa or Dune/TSA) based on our previous interactions together on the forum (which makes another reason "by members, for members" is so enticing.
Although the conversation flowed well the structure was not clear. Personally I would focus on a single topic per podcast - the topics are so intertwined you will end up touching multiple topics but setting a clear agenda will help - especially when people want to go back and listen to previous podcasts.
I thought the Podcast was a little bit too long, I think cutting by a 3rd would be productive. 40 minutes Podcast in total which can be broken down 5 minutes intro, 35 for content and 5 for close down and discussion of next podcast topic - linking the podcasts and informing the next topic will keep people listening.
Although references were used to good effect it would be more efficient to ensure Kindle versions are available as well as any maps necessary. I was laughing when you guys were placing the Ordeals current location and trying to name the mountain! Maybe I can help with this as I have all version in Paperback and also in .mobi
Also be careful when using Spoilers for other novels - Dune is next on my May reading list!
- Agreed on the more concise topic/theme itinerary. I think I've already voiced my thoughts on this above.
- Same goes for the time length. I believe Wilshire or I suggested 45min?
- The community can give us structure and decide what is best

. We're knee-deep in
process right now. We all have the potential to shape this future.
- I mentioned up thread, and obviously I consider it a point of some pride, but when I partake again I will not do so without my books nearby. I don't need no stiinkeeen kindle to leverage my Erratic memories

Great to think of Moenghus arc as potentially unfinished. Love that I am not alone or crazy for loving Cnaiur.
So overall I though the content was good - I really enjoyed listening to you guys. I would be happy to be in the next Podcast with you three illustrious gentlemen.
In the meantime let me look into an alternative hosting solution for the Podcasts.
Great to actually see a Bakker community as I primarily joined westeros for the Bakker threads.
Once again, yay, SR! I'm going to copy and paste your PM and reply to it on our system here (I mean via PM, not in-thread).
I think, SR, you, Wilshire, and FB (and probably me as a hovering moderator or something) should start planning a date.
Sorry, Kellais, Wilshire just reminded me I missed your portion.
Two things that i just have to note:
- OMG, you're all real TSA newbs
(your stories how you came to the series were interesting and for me, a bit surprising, given how well versed in TSA you are now)
Lol - we cannot all claim your long-storied history, Kellais

- I'm sorry FB, but you sound like the clichée american
Hope you don't take offense...but i as a foreign language dude if i had to point someone to how i imagine an american sounds, you would be totally it 

Anyway...just some nonsensical rambling on my part. Cool that you guys are pushing to add to the TSA material out there in the world wide web.
Btw i kind of agree with SR here, an hour (or even longer) is quite a hurdle to take. IMO it is beyond the "oh what the heck, let us just listen to one of those and see what it is...."-impulse. This is important if you want to lure in some new fans and faces (no pun intended
). I guess us hardcore addicted you already have. So consider to continue with some shorter episodes.
45min seems better, yes?