« on: September 30, 2015, 09:50:55 am »
Hey guys. Long time reader, short time lurker. Love the series. Already got two of my friends hooked on it. Thought id say hi and post some comments and questions ive tallied up during my readings. pretty aspect emperor heavy so i'll put a spoiler tag in case
So the mark doesn’t equate to damnation since chorae have a deep mark and are sorcerous items but going by the JE they are god’s own tears though this doesn’t actually tell us if sorcerers themselves are damned. Guess we have to wait and see whether mimara glimpses a socerer that isn’t damned.
Mimara sees snakes as holy….are cish holy for their affinity for snakes
Kellhus shows us his own inverse fire….is this a prelude to what the consult inverse fire is. Long distance communication with the black heavens.….an emptiness that lets people peer out or into someplace else. Damnation-scope
Mimara claims it wasn’t the betrayal of the nonmen that created the topoi in the mountain but rather the generations of human slaves the nonmen used. Just interesting because akka assumes wrong stuff all the time. Misdirection for the reader I guess.
The judging eye is a thing of women that will give birth to stillborn children….but mimara had the judging eye well before she became pregnant. Is this a result of mimara herself being born even tho esmi was using the whore’s shell.
In chapt 1 of the UC akka talks about how when souls are trapped into objects like wathi dolls etc
“ The intricacies of identity are always sheared away. Memory. Faculty. Character. These are cast into the pit... Only the most base urges survive in proxies.”
Just like the nonman revenant created on the topoi under the mountain dreaming he was a god but with a hunger and speaking through the unconscious akka etc
Just like the no-god created in golgotterath (known topoi according to akkas dreams) speaking through scranc, wracu etc. asking who he is
i.e. is the no-god a big ol soul trap.
Also is wutteat a temporary storage bank for souls of the inchora if hell sustains him from within and he refuses to die until salvation is achieved. (I’ve read some theories already but thought I’d remention)
finally what is with the glow around kellhus's hands. the first time the books mention a halo its serwe noticing them on the skin spy mimic of kellhus. clearly thats just serwe's insanity bleeding through but then the next time they are mentioned by kellhus himself after his ordeal on the tree and pulling out serwe's heart from his robe...right after his mind broke. latter when kel is talkin to his pa he mentioned seeing the halo about his hands all the time. We know some of his followers see the halo...even aka glimpses it on occasion but some people see it all the time and others only intermittently.
point im getting to is that it seems to me that the halo is evidenced by people who are probably insane. serwe and kel included. but madness in earwa isnt an objective discredit to people seeing the halo. it has a metaphysical component. when Cnaiür recalls akkas tutorial on madness
" Each man, he explained, was a kind of hole in existence, a point where the Outside penetrated the world. He tapped one of the beads with his finger. It broke, staining the surrounding parchment. When the trials of the world broke men, he explained, the Outside leaked into the world. This, he had said, was madness."
so i guess im saying that kelhus is mad and that thru him the outside is leaking into the world hence the halo that people sometimes see. this differs to sorcery but is more like the way the godess yatwer can do some pretty freaky/crazy stuff but we dont necessarily call it sorcery.
Anyways. that was a good rant of all my different theories. let me know what you guys think

cant wait for TUC. the delay is killing me lol
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 12:52:13 pm by The Spaces Between »

"A terror, so profound, so abiding–and, yes, pure–that all other fears guttered into nothingness for lack of air. A terror that was a gift… such was the peace and certainty that followed upon it."