There's a name for it, and its called 'save scum' or 'save scumming' . Saving before a decision point and reloading until you get the favorable outcome.
I love Dishonored, and I'm disappointed I ruined the 2nd one for myself lol.
I'm guilty of this as much as the next guy I'm sure. Its a balance. Sometimes its fun to lose progress because of a bad throw of the dice, but a lot of the time its definitely not fun.
The Dark Souls franchise covers this up by having the save points at designated areas, but every death is basically just a re-roll. It feels like you are increasing your 'playing skill', and you are I guess, but that entire universe if basically built on save summing lol.
A lot of games add an "ironman" mode - or some other clever name for 1 save file, permanent death if you die. This is
way too far for me. XCOM and XCOM2 are games that change so dramatically if you go through without re-loading every bad instance. Kind of like the difference of playing through as the White Luck Warrior or as a human

. The loss of units, getting ambushed and fighting through bad positions, inconvenient enemy drops/placement, etc. etc., make for a much different play through. I don't know if I'd call it "better" - very subjective - but its far different.
Having loss to balance out success definitely changes a game's feel.
I might have to check out KC:D