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« Reply #150 on: March 28, 2018, 11:39:47 pm »
Haha, yeah there's a nice jump scare then, but honestly the whole sequence with the music playing to the shots of Crystal Lake + the ending line ("Then he's still there") actually made me very emotional.

I personally dropped Westworld after the first episode. The whole android/AI thing kinda pisses me off.

Dude, as a friend I tell you this, Westworld is FUCKED - UP ... give it another shot, I'm guessing it'll surprise you. Fucking love this show - but fuck-all to HBO waiting 2 fucking years for the second season, you fucks.
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« Reply #151 on: March 28, 2018, 11:54:17 pm »
Ok, I guess I'll spam this thread with my "insights" into modern television in lieu of starting my own thread ( bit arrogant for me to consider, but what can I say ).

The Americans, one of tv's great triumphs, final season premiere starts tonight. Some of the tv shows of late have beautifully demonstrated the power of story. Take Boss - the protagonist in Boss ( the mayor of Chicago ) is a clear demon, NOTHING redeeming about him, a pure bastard through and through. YET - we still "root" for him since the story is being told from his vantage point. We all LOVE stories ( take the enthusiasm for this forum's story - people have even sworn off Bakker, now that's emotion! Not dropped it for lack of interest, but "betrayal" ).

The American's makes a contribution in kind. For those who don't know the show, it's about "regular Americans" who are actually soviet spies based in early 1980's. I grew up during that time and remembered the paranoia that any of our neighbors could be spies. As an American watching it ( I take it a Russian's viewing may be different - would be cool to learn how one would watch it ), my "nationalism" was stronger than my love of story as I was "rooting against" the protagonists for the first couple of seasons. And as I connected with the characters, my evolution for "rooting" for them only evolved to the point I now wish they suffer no harm, but still "root against" their missions and hoping they always fail. I learned our nationalistic world view trumps story, which is fascinating to me.

Fucking phenomenal show, highly recommend it - if you give it a go, have to get past the first season. It's good, but it gets WILD during the second season and thereafter. One of the best shows ever made, it's gut wrenching, realistic/plausible ( tiny bit of the fantastic, but just enough to make it fun - could be too stale without a little "luck" and maybe a tad too much "exceptional training" ... but who knows, maybe there are people walking around who can take in all human details around them with amazing efficiency/accuracy ). This one will be sorely missed.
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« Reply #152 on: March 29, 2018, 10:55:33 pm »
Haha, yeah there's a nice jump scare then, but honestly the whole sequence with the music playing to the shots of Crystal Lake + the ending line ("Then he's still there") actually made me very emotional.

I personally dropped Westworld after the first episode. The whole android/AI thing kinda pisses me off.

Dude, as a friend I tell you this, Westworld is FUCKED - UP ... give it another shot, I'm guessing it'll surprise you. Fucking love this show - but fuck-all to HBO waiting 2 fucking years for the second season, you fucks.

I'm looking forward to the second season as the first one really impressed me. Hopefully, it can maintain that momentum throughout it's run.
Has HBO given any indication as to how long it is meant to be?


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« Reply #153 on: March 30, 2018, 08:20:15 pm »
Has HBO given any indication as to how long it is meant to be?

Nothing yet, best I can tell. Hoping 2nd season at least 10 episodes as was the first season. Or were you asking how many seasons it'll be? That's not clear.
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« Reply #154 on: August 17, 2018, 05:57:35 pm »
Highly recommend you cats consider watching Counterpart. It starts a bit pedestrian and after 4 episodes I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like it. But then it finally grows into something very cool and fun to watch.

Even if this show is not your bag, the premise is something that would be interesting to vet with the crew here at TSA. This is not a spoiler, you learn this over the first few episodes. Something "happened" that cause reality to duplicate itself - we, the viewers don't know exactly what, kinda a secret to the viewer, but there's some inference it was from a military/government "experimenting" or some such ( I know, pedestrian idea ripped off from other works/shows such as Stranger things ... but wait ). So at that moment in time, 2 identical "earths" exist. This is kept tight secret on both "sides" from each earth's respective populations. But after some time, a passage is discovered/forged ( again, not clear how or from who, but it's created/discovered in Berlin, Germany - so the whole show, while in English, takes place in Berlin ) between the 2 worlds and we begin interacting with each other. This is a HUGE boon for humanity when interaction starts because the earths paths diverge and each side makes incredible scientific discoveries and shares with the other side - so the counterparts from each side are no longer "aligned" and go off in different directions and ( do they? ) become different people. It's entertaining to "learn" some of the things we've achieved ( like mapping the human genome ) came from "the other side" and how/why that happened makes sense, very cool. I love the show doesn't mince words and takes a stand on what would happen if reality replicates itself and you're not left guessing or drowning in philosophical rabbit holes. This happened and now this is happening. The how and the why the same person "becomes" a different person due to changes in circumstance resulting from crossovers between the earths is really fascinating to me and would be cool to see if any of you have watched it and share your thoughts. Another nice thing is I couldn't predict any of the outcomes of the various sub-scenarios and all of them are sensible, but still surprising ( not falling into the stupid trap of making everything completely fucked up and crazy ). It really is a nicely done spy show. And I agree with one reviewer's comment that Simmons deserves 2 Oscars for best performance ( playing 2 different versions of himself, this is his best work to date, incredible performance ).
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« Reply #155 on: September 18, 2018, 06:48:01 pm »
Thought this was an amazing write-up of Rick and Morty

The Cartoon That Captures the Damaged American Male:

Some good news as well, looks like Adult Swim signed it for 70 more episodes. More Rick and Morty for years to come!
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« Reply #156 on: September 25, 2018, 03:26:47 pm »
Currently watching The Good Place.

I thought the concept sounded stupid.  But I actually watched it and the show is pretty smart and entertaining.
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« Reply #157 on: September 25, 2018, 09:28:12 pm »
Currently watching The Good Place.

I thought the concept sounded stupid.  But I actually watched it and the show is pretty smart and entertaining.

Thanks, H - added to my Netflix watch list.

I just watched The Shape of Water ... man, I had a LOOOOOOOW bar for this thing, was pretty sure I would hate it - but it's free at the moment on cable, so wtf, right? Anyways, I don't recommend it. That said, it was MUCH better than I was expecting - a tongue in cheek take on the sci-fi 50's, but there was one awesome gem in the rough: Michael Shannon is a pure demon in this thing, I was laughing hard at a few of his scenes, not a nice guy. Anyways, if you're completely bored, check this out, it'll surprise you in that it's not complete trash and the nuance of the 50's was executed nicely and it has a great "bad" guy.
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« Reply #158 on: September 25, 2018, 09:55:23 pm »
Yeah, The Shaper of Water is better than it looks. Still not my cup o' tea though. I watched Hereditary recently. First hour is top notch horror, after that it starts to drop the ball a bit. Worth a watch. I'll probably be watching The Predator or Mandy next. Will be watching the new Halloween in october as well.


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« Reply #159 on: October 01, 2018, 11:49:07 pm »
Watched Mandy. Pretty good, not amazing. Very nice coloring throughout the movie. Nice aesthetics all around. Good performances by the various actors.


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« Reply #160 on: October 12, 2018, 01:53:59 pm »
Another surprise, I really liked Castle Rock quite a bit, would give it an A rating. Another I thought I would be bored or thought it stupid - but I like the slow roll surprise ending, much of the mystery is "revealed" by the end and wasn't something I guessed but at the same time it made sense. For you horror enthusiasts, highly recommend it, it's a Hulu original. TL, I think you would dig this.
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« Reply #161 on: October 12, 2018, 01:57:36 pm »
Currently watching The Good Place.

I thought the concept sounded stupid.  But I actually watched it and the show is pretty smart and entertaining.

Yeah, my wife has been watching this, I should jump in at some point.
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« Reply #162 on: October 12, 2018, 02:29:27 pm »
Yeah, my wife has been watching this, I should jump in at some point.

Just make sure you watch from the beginning and get caught up, or nothing will make much sense.  The 3rd season has been good, but the first two are definitely a little better.
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« Reply #163 on: October 12, 2018, 06:16:14 pm »

This shit is hilarious. Like if the shows Seinfeld and Archer had a baby and raised it in some hick town in Canada. So its a show about nothing, with lightning fast banter and surprisingly clever writing, wrapped up in a friendly down where everyone knows everyone.

Its set in Letterkenny, population 5000, middle-of-nowhere Canada. The banter is top notch, the characters are fun. Its a bit repetitive at times, but engaging enough that I was disappointed when I found out hulu only carried the first 2 (of 5) seasons. Great stuff.
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« Reply #164 on: October 25, 2018, 02:23:05 am »
Letterkenny up to 5 seasons - released here in The States on Comedy Channel I think, I'll try to hunt it down.

A show that surprised me big time was Trust ( on FX ). Gets an A+ if for no other reason it has the best sound track of anything, tv or movie. VERY well done, I thought I would hate it as I find the debauchery of the rich to be quite boring, but wow, it's is SOOOO beyond that. Everything about it top notch, fun mystery mixed with some mad shit. Think you cats would dig it.
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