How do Schools identify and draft students?

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« on: July 01, 2016, 04:56:55 am »
With possibly just a few thousand Few in the whole of Three Seas, scattered so thinly, it would be a task of tremendous importance and extreme difficulty, since the very survival of Schools hangs on it. Young children with capacity for sorcery don't bear a Mark, so how do Schools identify them?

Achamian recalls a specific moment in childhood when he realized it, and was later taken away by a Mandate Pederasik who claimed Achamian was a "bright child, with great promise" (paraphrasing). But how was he found and identified as one of the Few? Is there something else essential that sticks out about them, aside from Mark, before they become sorcerers? Or is there testing involved? Schools' recruiters traveling around on the lookout for "bright children" and administering tests ala Kellhus activating Wathi doll or Mimara holding Achamian's Surillic Point without being sorcerers themselves at the time?

The Great Scald

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2016, 02:24:55 am »
Achamian recalls a specific moment in childhood when he realized it, and was later taken away by a Mandate Pederasik

I always had the impression Achamian was the "pederasik", especially in his relationships to Proyas and Inrau...


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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2016, 12:53:16 pm »
Me too! My first read thru I thought it was gonna be revealed that Akka had molested one or both of them. Because Akka always seemed to push his own past away and focused on Ses. He always seemed like he was avoiding certain thoughts.
He does call a number of boys beautiful and if I remember correctly at one point he thinks Esmi has young boyish features.
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« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2016, 04:26:45 am »
I think that that's probably because Akka is bi, or at least experimented sexually when younger.

I guess some dread thing is revealed every second page in the book, but all the same it surprises me that anyone got the impression of a molester from the text.

However, Scott has mentioned that Akka does avoid certain thoughts - as to Inrau's damnation (ie, the torture system the setting has) and how teaching him magic may have tainted him - he does avoid those thoughts. Maybe that's what you were picking up on, Geoff?


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« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2016, 11:52:50 pm »
Akka had a lover when studying the Ghosts, his cellmate who mocked the Inri Sejenus and his expect nothing admonition, while the Mandate gives their souls in return for damnation, Sanclas l believe his name is.
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« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2016, 02:09:37 pm »
I assumed the few could see the onta and therefore the mark or bruise of sorcery but i dont seem to recall a kellhus pov that sees such a thing on akka, the non man he encounters in the woods or any other sorcerer. However, the talent of perceiving the onta and seeing the mark of sorcery can be developed which is why mimara or Maithanet can see it on sorcerers like akka. Conversely, akka seems shocked that kellhus is of the few suggesting there is nothing to mark people out prior to testing them.

The wathi doll is a makeshift test akka cobbles together while on the road. The real test is probably just as simple but innocuous enough to not feel heretical.
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