I was gonna say ... aren't emotions what makes it fun to be a human? When my father died, I thanked God for blessing me with the kind of father whose absence would make me feel so awful ... made me feel so alive, so cool to feel so deeply ... to use Bakker language, to live so hot.
Exactly. Its was I addressed tleilaxu. Because someone says or does that doesn't conform to your worldview, doesn't mean "its the passions that arise from the darkness". Not to me, anyway. They just have a different worldview or what have you. You can blame for feeling annoyed as much as the person your annoyed with. Why can't you control your emotions?

But, emotions are what make us human. And, most opinions are formed off of emotions on a certain subject. Trying to relegate them to "the darkness" is just philosophical nonsense to me. We are what we are. Made and moulded by experience, each and everyone of us different from another. Blaming the darkness, when you can't control your darkness, shows the fallacy of the whole argument, to me.