A couple things to parse:
- I do think Wutteat is the "original," as per Bakker's analogies regarding breeding Wracu like apples and the French "metre." I'm of the opinion that Wutteat is a creature the Inchoroi picked up along the way and that Wracu are perversions of its Bios as much as Sranc are of the Nonmen.
Agree, although I do think that Wutteät might have received "upgrades" via grafting or just straight augmentation. Also, it's unclear if Wracu's metallic bones are "natural" or something augmented after the fact.
- However, I still think Wutteat harkens to the call of the No-God (as per his still unresolved commentary to Achamian and Nil'giccas regarding the Black Heavens or even further hints like the TWP Dream where Skuthula tells Seswatha that the No-God has tasted Celmomas' passing and the Mutilated comment about the No-God reading the code of Earwa from the barcodes of one dying soul at a time, or whichevery). Thinking on it now perhaps the Boding is simply the flip-side or side-effect of the No-God's control of the Weapon-Races.
Well, I think Wutteät, like an Inchoroi "worships" the No-God, but is not commanded the same way a Sranc or Bashrag would be. He is, after all, souled, in a way they are not. Which, to me, speaks to him being more Inchoroi-like than Sranc-like.
(Also, it was Skafra, not Skuthula who speaks to Seswatha, but you knew that.)
- Wutteat might have been blinded before or at Mengedda and absent the No-God he flew and flew and found only more dead world, as he tells it. Stumbles upon Sauglish, recognizing the sense (or scent but who fuck knows about how an undead Dragon perceives the world) of its destruction, knows of the Library and the Coffers, crawls in to wait for the world to die.
Yeah, I mean, presumably there are only so many places a dragon can fit itself into. And, since Golgotterath was seemingly off the table, the Library probably seemed a good option. Also, indeed, I think Wutteät was probably well aware it's location before fleeing to there.
- Though big ol' lol at the Skuthula roommate comment, especially given the opinions of the Millipede-Wracu other places.
I do wonder why Skuthula is such a fuck-wit. Wutteät and Skafra are pretty articulate, so perhaps there was a diminishing quality in the replication process.
- As per above, Wutteat doesn't really seem to count as a Weapon-Race and Simas (unless the Mutilated have figured out how to replicate that monstrosity) was one of a kind (though, damn - if I thought Bakker was aware of it anymore - a Skin-Spy School would be right in line with a bunch of the latter Dune series stuff
). All other creatures of the Tekne are soulless, as per my reading.
Yeah, I think Wutteät is wholly unique and I hope we see him again in TNG at some point.