Mistakes and things that piss off in the series

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« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2017, 12:25:52 pm »
It doesn't. But, when Kellhus leaves Ishual he has a sword. And, in flashbacks they show their training in the yard with the old man. So, they've got swords. How many? Where from? Your guess as good as any. But, again,  Bakker said they were self sufficient.
Ah. Well, given there were a number of refugees directly from the Anasurimbor household, I think it stands to reason the Dunyain might have managed to salvage possibly enscrolled weaponry from them or the armory. Would be less of a stretch than forging.

I don't remember any survivor from the Anasurimbor household when the first dûnyain came (in the prologue of TDTCB). Only the Anasurimbor boy. But maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway it's very difficult to maintain an isolated community like Ishual in full splendor if the Dûnyain were few. I'm assuming that they were like a big community of monks, like some monasteries in Middle Ages.
Not survivors, but the possessions of the deceased refugees. The household did make it to Ishual before the plague killed them all.


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« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2017, 03:50:59 pm »
Even to the point that some of the Mutilated may have been seen in the opening of TDTCB, though I'll have to dig for that exact quote later.

Did we see any of the Mutilated in previous books?

Not that I recall, no. I feel muddy on this simply because the original beginning of TDTCB featured a lot more facetime with the brethren.

There are also quotes regarding the bee-keeping, the self-sufficiency, and tunnels... but I'll have to do that later...

In earlier versions of TDTCB I actually explain the logistics of Ishual, the division of agricultural labour among the Dunyain, and so on. But once I realized just how big the info mountain the reader need to climb was, I began ripping out all nonessential details. By time Akka and Mimara reach Ishual...

I feel like there's another referencing "bee-keeping" specifically...

And I know there's one about tunnels...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 03:53:26 pm by Madness »
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« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2017, 03:15:31 am »
My annoyances with the story tend to be minor continuity stuff, which in retrospect is usually something I missed, or at least misunderstood. As vague as his writing is, Bakker's consistency seems for the most part to be quite solid.

An example is Saccarees being described in TUC as the youngest Grandmaster the Mandate ever had. Kinda makes me roll my eyes because the Mandate leadership didn't seem to have such central leadership. They were ruled by council in the Quorum. Unless Achamian's musings about being "de facto" GM in TWP actually count somehow, due to his proximity to the events, Saccarees is pretty much the only GM the Mandate ever had, let alone the youngest.

But as I said, these are petty grievances, mostly.


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« Reply #48 on: September 10, 2017, 05:48:54 am »
My annoyances with the story tend to be minor continuity stuff, which in retrospect is usually something I missed, or at least misunderstood. As vague as his writing is, Bakker's consistency seems for the most part to be quite solid.

An example is Saccarees being described in TUC as the youngest Grandmaster the Mandate ever had. Kinda makes me roll my eyes because the Mandate leadership didn't seem to have such central leadership. They were ruled by council in the Quorum. Unless Achamian's musings about being "de facto" GM in TWP actually count somehow, due to his proximity to the events, Saccarees is pretty much the only GM the Mandate ever had, let alone the youngest.

But as I said, these are petty grievances, mostly.
Well, it does still make him the youngest Grandmaster.  The oldest too :P.  That's a pretty funny mistake really.
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« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2017, 03:48:16 pm »
Ingraul is listed in both glossaries as as Thunyeri Sranc March but in TUC they are incorrectly referred to as Tydonni.

They still wear they're characteristic black mail, but seem to have changed nationality.


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« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2017, 03:57:33 pm »
Achamian is mentioned as being the only known Wizard, a sorcerer without a School. What about Pafaras the captain of the Stone Hags? Apparently he was scourged from the Mysunsai and run off into the wilderness. And he was specifically outlawed by the Empire so it's not like his continued existence was unknown. Wouldn't he fit the criteria?


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« Reply #51 on: October 06, 2017, 04:14:20 pm »
Achamian is mentioned as being the only known Wizard, a sorcerer without a School. What about Pafaras the captain of the Stone Hags? Apparently he was scourged from the Mysunsai and run off into the wilderness. And he was specifically outlawed by the Empire so it's not like his continued existence was unknown. Wouldn't he fit the criteria?
Well, isn't a lot of what's said about Pafaras presented as rumor? Further, I'm not sure it is clear his school had repudiated him. Not that I recall all the details off-hand. Perhaps he was an awkward member they told to hang in the wild.

But you might be right.


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« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2017, 08:44:54 pm »
He's referred to as a Breacher as well. While he's technically associated with the Mysunsai, the same could be said of Achamian and the Mandate. They have both repudiated their respective Schools.

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« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2018, 06:39:17 pm »
I do however think Bakker has a far better grasp of armour than many other fantasy others. I much prefer scale/mail than suits of armour.

I really liked the lore of the Emiorali, or Bronzemen and imagined them to wear something like this:

Oh my god. A real life Dalek!


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« Reply #54 on: April 27, 2018, 04:37:47 am »
Achamian is mentioned as being the only known Wizard, a sorcerer without a School. What about Pafaras the captain of the Stone Hags? Apparently he was scourged from the Mysunsai and run off into the wilderness. And he was specifically outlawed by the Empire so it's not like his continued existence was unknown. Wouldn't he fit the criteria?

"The Wizard retraced his footsteps..." pretty sure before TGO and that 20 year gap he would have been the only notable one. Im assuming there were others if only in brief times or lower ranking sorcerers. Practically all of the Mysunsai are wizards in a sense.

Any times Akka is the "only" wizard post TTT is from or for Achamians POV.


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« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2018, 06:17:50 pm »
Achamian is mentioned as being the only known Wizard, a sorcerer without a School. What about Pafaras the captain of the Stone Hags? Apparently he was scourged from the Mysunsai and run off into the wilderness. And he was specifically outlawed by the Empire so it's not like his continued existence was unknown. Wouldn't he fit the criteria?

You are right, good catch!

It seems like Pafaras isn't "special" enough to count as a Wizard by the people of the Three Seas, poor guy. ;)
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« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2018, 07:43:34 pm »
"The Wizard retraced his footsteps..."
"Retracing his bloody footsteps, the Wizard limped onward" (might be "on" not "onward" cant remember)
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« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2018, 08:45:47 pm »
In that final line of TTT, is this the first time we see Wizard capitalised as a title?

I’m pretty sure it was just “wizard” in general before. If so that’s some nice foreshadowing for TAE. From that moment he stopped being the Holy Tutor and become the Wizard.


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« Reply #58 on: May 15, 2018, 01:36:11 pm »
I think is. Its part of what makes that line so powerful - in an instant he became the Wizard, a class unto himself.
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