Birth and Death Years of Characters (for the wiki?)

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« on: November 23, 2017, 05:06:27 pm »
I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread where we could try to figure out birth/death years of characters, similarly to these threads at Those could later be added to the wiki if not already there.

I'll start with those I had already thought about (more characters can be added later on). Since death years are usually more explicit in TSA, I'll concern myself with birth years for now.

The Eärwan Year

I think it can be assumed that an year in Eärwa lasts about as long as one of ours (feel free to say something if I'm completely wrong about this).
We have a normal human pregnancy lasting what would be a normal amount of time if Eärwan seasons last as long as ours (Serwë was pregnant from the spring of 4111 to early winter of the same year).
The new year apparently starts late in the winter, though, unlike ours, which would begin in early winter (this referring to the Year-of-the-Tusk, not the New Imperial Year).

Part I - Achamian, Cnaiür, Kellhus, Esmenet and Serwë

The Character and Faction Glossary includes this information:
Quote from: TDTCB, Character and Faction Glossary
Drusas Achamian (...), a forty-seven-year-old Mandate sorcerer
Cnaiür (...), a forty-four-year-old Scylvendi barbarian, Chieftain of the Utemot
Esmenet (...), a thirty-one-year-old Sumni prostitute
Anasûrimbor Kellhus (...), a thirty-three-year-old Dûnyain monk
Serwë (...), a nineteen-year-old Nymbricani concubine

The second part of the TDTCB prologue takes place in late autumn of 4109, and the last chapter of the book in late spring of 4111. Now, we're not sure what date these ages refer to - perhaps to the earliest date given. I've also wondered, though, if they could refer to specific dates for every character, that is, to the date of the chapter where they were first introduced. Keeping this in mind, we would have (from oldest to youngest):

-Supposing age refers to 4109: he could be either 46, turning 47 later in the year, or 47, turning 48 later in the year; thus, his birth year would be 4061 or 4062.
-Supposing age refers to first appearance: he first appeared in chapter 1, which took place in midwinter of 4110. He would then have been born in 4062 or 4063.

-Supposing age refers to 4109: he could be 43 turning 44 or 44 turning 45, which would give him a birth year of 4064 or 4065.
-Supposing age refers to first appearance: he first appears in chapter 6, which takes place in early summer of 4110. He would then have been born in 4065 or 4066.

-Supposing age refers to 4109: he could be 32 turning 33 or 33 turning 34, which would give him a birth year of 4075 or 4076.
-Supposing age refers to first appearance: (same as above)

-Supposing age refers to 4109: she could be 30 turning 31 or 31 turning 32, which would give her a birth year of 4077 or 4078.
-Supposing age refers to first appearance: she first appeared in chapter 3 (though not as a POV), which took place in early spring of 4110. She would then have been born in 4078 or 4079.

-Supposing age refers to 4109: she could be 18 turning 19 or 19 turning 20, which would give her a birth year of 4089 or 4090.
-Supposing age refers to first appearance: she first appeared in chapter 13, which took place in spring of 4111. She would then have been born in 4091 or 4092.

But we have more information in the text, and this is where inconsistencies start to crop up:
-In TDTCB, we have this quote mentioning Cnaiür's age:
Quote from: TDTCB, Chapter 6
He was the many-blooded chieftain of the Utemot, a seasoned Scylvendi warrior of more than forty-five summers.
This chapter takes place in the early summer of 4110. That would mean he was at least 46 at the time, though it's possible he would still turn 46 later in the summer, and the "more than forty-five summers" comment would still make sense. If he still had a birthday later in 4110, he would have been born in 4064 at the latest for his age to be "more than forty-five summers".
-There's also this:
Quote from: TDTCB, Chapter 12
He’d counted only sixteen summers the year his cousin Okyati had ridden into camp with Anasûrimbor Moënghus.
Cnaiür also thinks about how the Rite-of-the-Spring-Wolves took place a few weeks after Moënghus' arrival:
Quote from: TDTCB, Chapter 12
Several weeks passed before Moënghus actually spoke to him. The man chose his moment well: the night of Cnaiür's return from the Rite-of-the-Spring-Wolves.
Later in the same chapter, there's also this:
Quote from: TDTCB, Chapter 12
Months later, Skiötha was dead and Cnaiür had become Chieftain of the Utemot.
From the glossaries, we know Skiötha's death took place in 4079:
Quote from: TTT Glossary, "Skiötha urs Hannut"
Skiötha urs Hannut (4038-79)--The father of Cnaiür urs Skiötha, and former Chieftain of the Utemot.
If "sixteen summers" is to be taken literally, Cnaiür would have turned 17 that year (since Moënghus arrived sometime in the spring or earlier), which would mean he was born in 4062. Going by this birth year, Cnaiür would have been 48 in 4110 (or would turn 48 later in the year). Which yes, would still be "more than forty-five summers", but does not add up with the age of 44 given in the character and faction glossary (even if that was supposed to be his age as of the prologue)!
-Serwë thinks of herself as "a girl of twenty summers" in TWP:
Quote from: TWP, Chapter 10
She was wise, far more so, she knew, than a girl of twenty summers should be.
This chapter takes place in the late summer of 4111. Presumably, she would have already turned 20 that summer, giving her a birth year of 4091. There's still a possibility her birth falls very late in the summer and she would still turn 21 that year, though, meaning she would have been born in 4090.

Working from Serwë's possible years of birth given above, considering the age differences given in the TDTCB and TWP character and faction glossaries, we'd have (forgetting the Cnaiür inconsistency for now):
-Achamian (28 years older than Serwë): born 4062 or 4063;
-Cnaiür (25 years older): born 4065 or 4066;
-Kellhus (14 years older): born 4076 or 4077;
-Esmenet (12 years older): born 4078 or 4079.
Which does work with the "age at first appearance" theorized above, actually, except for Serwë herself. However, the 4091 year works with that and with the "twenty summers" reference from the text, so maybe that can be considered as the actual birth year of Serwë?
In that case, Achamian, Kellhus and Esmenet's birth years could in turn be 4063, 4077 and 4079 respectively, since there's nothing in the text to contradict those. Cnaiür is still an issue, though, because it doesn't make much sense to have him be only 13 (or even 14) at the time he met Moënghus...
Please tell me what you think.

I will add new information to this thread/change whatever turns out to be wrong as I go. I'm hoping to add a post covering the birth years of more characters later this week.
We must keep in mind that there are many characters whose age is not easy to determine beyond "young", "middle-aged", "elderly" and so forth, so I won't cover every single character in this thread as the hard-working people at did with ASOIAF ones. (Though if anyone else may want to try that for the sake of completeness, feel free to do so!)
Feel free to suggest characters whose birth/death years are not in the appendices/glossaries and can be estimated from the text (I have some in mind already for Part II already, but I might be forgetting someone).
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 02:27:11 pm by ThoughtsOfThelli »
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)


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« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2017, 02:40:37 pm »
Not yet Part II, just found something else.

In TWP, we get a flashback with Achamian's cellmate/lover, Sancla. The thing is, Sancla is referred to as being older than Achamian...
Quote from: TWP, Chapter 12
The older boy fixed Achamian with his dark, always-laughing eyes--eyes that would make them lovers for a time.
...and his birth year is given as 4064 in the TTT glossary.
Quote from: TTT Glossary, "Sancla"
Sancla (4064-83)--Achamian's cellmate and lover during his adolescence in Atyersus.
That means Achamian couldn't have been born in 4062 or 4063 as I had previously estimated, but only in 4065 at the earliest. Which does not add up if you go by Serwë's age referenced in the text. It doesn't match the Cnaiür inconsistency either, as it would make Cnaiür older than Achamian, which we know is not the case. *sigh*

So now we have several possibilities:
1) Going by the "sixteen summers" reference in Cnaiür's POV, we would have Achamian born in 4059, Cnaiür born in 4062, Kellhus born in 4073, Esmenet born in 4075 and Serwë born in 4087 (which completely contradicts the ages given in the TDTCB and TWP character and faction glossaries for the time frame of the books).
2) Going by the "twenty summers" reference in Serwë's POV, we would have Achamian born in 4062 or 4063, Cnaiür born in 4065 or 4066, Kellhus born in 4076 or 4077, Esmenet born in 4078 or 4079 and Serwë born in 4090 or 4091 (which at least can work with the ages given).
3) Going by Sancla's age and assuming Achamian was born in 4065, we would have Cnaiür born in 4068, Kellhus born in 4079, Esmenet born in 4081 and Serwë born in 4093 (which is also inconsistent with the ages from the glossaries).

I think, then, that the second, Serwë-based estimation would still be the best one, even if contradicts other parts of the text. My final estimations for these five characters' birth years would thus be:
-Achamian: born in 4062 or 4063;
-Cnaiür: born in 4065 or 4066;
-Kellhus: born in 4076 or 4077;
-Esmenet: born in 4078 or 4079;
-Serwë: born in 4090 or 4091.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 02:04:20 pm by ThoughtsOfThelli »
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)


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« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2018, 05:59:22 pm »
Lots to look through.

At some point Achamian gives us his age, I think its in TDTCB when he's attempting to ambush the skin-spy in the alley, though I might be wrong. Though he said he was 46 or something close ... Maybe not though.

Looks like this has been a somewhat frustrating endeavor for you. :(
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« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2018, 11:47:32 pm »
Lots to look through.
At some point Achamian gives us his age, I think its in TDTCB when he's attempting to ambush the skin-spy in the alley, though I might be wrong. Though he said he was 46 or something close ... Maybe not though.

Really? I might have missed that age reference, will look it up when I can.

Looks like this has been a somewhat frustrating endeavor for you. :(

No, I think it's just coming across as me complaining too much when inconsistencies crop up because of my OCD tendencies. ;) It doesn't make me like looking into those things any less (speaking of which, I really should try and get the second part of this out when I have some time...).
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)


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« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2018, 03:06:16 pm »
Well I at least appreciate your work and your posting it :) .
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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2018, 01:40:36 pm »
Another addition to this ongoing project of mine. This one was fairly easier to write, as my obsessive self already had quite a few old notes scattered around...

For this part, before we begin, we need to take into account...

Gestation Period of Half-Dûnyain Children
We know that women carrying half-Dûnyain children have longer pregnancies than those whose unborn children are just regular humans. Well, at least this was the case for Esmenet, as Mimara let us know:
Quote from: TWLW, Chapter 12
Her mother had carried all her brothers and sisters far beyond the usual term.
This has to be taken into account when considering age gaps between the siblings. How long is "far beyond the usual term", though? I believe it can't be something like 10 months, since a gestation period of that length can happen in humans (though it's rare), and the gestation period of half-Dûnyain children sounds more...extreme.
I will then make the assumption Esmenet had pregnancies that lasted around one year each (as more than that would probably be too much of a strain to a human mother).

Part II - The Anasûrimborlings

Mimara will not be discussed here, as we have her birth year (4095) given out in the TTT glossary. Neither will Moënghus the Younger, as we also know exactly when he was born: early winter of 4111 (TWP, chapter 20).
As I haven't given much thought to the cases of Moënghus the Elder, Koringhus, and the Boy, they will be discussed in a later part of these series.

Clearly, he had to be born only after Moënghus the Elder left the Utemot in 4079. From what was discussed in Part I of this thread, Moënghus arrived in the spring and several months elapsed between his arrival and Skiötha's death, so he likely left in the summer of 4079 at the earliest. Even if he conceived Maithanet with some unnamed woman shortly after leaving the Utemot (which would be unlikely; it would be more plausible that at least some months passed between the two events), considering the gestation period for half-Dûnyain children discussed above, Maithanet would have been born in mid-to-late 4080 at the absolute earliest.
While it's hard to estimate a lower limit for his age, we do know he still looks somewhat youthful - we have this passage from TDTCB (chapter taking place in spring of 4110):
Quote from: TDTCB, Chapter 3
Achamian found himself looking into the serene and surprisingly youthful face of Maithanet.
However, in TTT (spring of 4112), Nautzera has the following impression of Maithanet:
Quote from: TTT, Chapter 13
Though his face seemed middle-aged, his blue eyes were surprisingly young.
Now, we know Maithanet cannot possibly be actually middle-aged at this point. He would be 31 at the oldest (not 32, as his birthday likely falls later in the year, as theorised above). He probably just looks quite a bit older than his actual age (the beard helping on that matter).
I would then estimate that Maithanet would be no younger than 25 when Achamian first saw him in the spring of 4110 (accounting for his youthful but not too youthful appearance, his rise to power, training received from Moënghus, etc.), therefore concluding he was born between 4080 and 4085.

As we know, Esmenet was already pregnant by the time of Achamian's return in TWP:
Quote from: TWP, Chapter 23
"Akka," she whispered. "I carry his child."
This took place in late winter, shortly after the turn of the year from 4111 to 4112.
The earliest possible time for Kayûtas to have been conceived was during the crossing of the Carathay Desert, as we learn earlier in TWP:
Quote from: TWP, Chapter 20
She’d known this, ever since the earliest days of the desert, she’d known this. It was why she’d cast her whore’s shell, the contraceptive charm the witches sell, across the sands.
The crossing of the Carathay started in the early autumn of 4111 (TWP, chapter 18).
Taking into account the twelve-month gestation period estimated above, that would mean Kayûtas would have been born in the autumn of 4112 at the earliest (I'm not going with early autumn, as it makes sense Esmenet was not able to conceive immediately after discarding the whore's shell). Given that Esmenet already knew she was pregnant by late winter, though, Kayûtas can't have been conceived after mid-winter or so. This gives us a birth date of somewhere from autumn to mid-winter of 4112.

From TJE, we know that Theliopa was born in Nenciphon, at some point during the Unification Wars:
Quote from: TJE, Chapter 3
Theliopa had come second, born in Nenciphon while Kellhus waged the first of many wars against the drugged princes of Nilnamesh.
Going from Kayûtas' estimated birth date, we know that Thelli had to be born at least one year after Kayûtas at the earliest, so around autumn to mid-winter of 4113.
In the TUC glossary, though, we get some more information that clarifies this:
Quote from: TUC Glossary, "Unification Wars"
The successive defeats suffered at Mengedda, Anwurat, Caraskand, and Shimeh had so severely depleted the ranks of the Kianene nobility as to assure that Kellhus would install his Empress in the White-Sun Palace in Nenciphon in the winter of 4113.
Which seems like a very plausible birth date for Theliopa, given what we already knew from TJE. It can thus be assumed that Thelli was born in the winter of 4113 (presumably quite late in the year, to account for some time passing between Kayûtas' birth and her conception ).

Esmenet apparently got pregnant again soon after giving birth to Thelli, with Serwa being born in Carythusal:
Quote from: TJE, Chapter 3
Of course, she found herself almost immediately pregnant, as though her womb had been a hidden concession in the deal she had struck with her husband. Her third child by Kellhus, Serwa, was born in Carythusal with the smell of the Zaudunyani conquest still on the wind--soot and death.
Seeing as Thelli was born around the winter of 4113, this would mean Serwa would have been born in the winter of 4114 at the earliest. However, seeing as Esmenet would have needed some time to recover from Thelli's birth, and as assumed above, said birth took place quite late in 4113, I believe it more likely for Serwa to have been born in early 4115 (this is my opinion, though; others may think differently).
I'm not placing her birth year any later than 4115 mainly because of Inrilatas' age (see below), and because of Sorweel's thoughts on the matter:
Quote from: TWLW, Chapter 13
It was a girlish gesture, one that again reminded the Sakarpi King that for all her worldliness and self-possession, she was scarcely older than he.
With Sorweel being around 16 years old, and thus born around 4116, the 4115 birth date makes perfect sense.

The "nameless one"
There was also an unnamed, deformed child, born between Serwa and Inrilatas, who was killed shortly after birth:
Quote from: TJE, Chapter 3
Then came the nameless one with eight arms and no eyes, the first to be delivered on the Andiamine Heights. The labour had been hard, life-threatening even. Afterwards would she learn that the physician-priests had drowned it, according to Nansur custom, in unwatered wine.
Given Serwa's estimated birth year of 4115, this child would then have been born in 4116 at the earliest. However, as discussed below, the information from the books does not allow for a large age gap between Serwa and the "nameless one", or between the latter and Inrilatas, so early-to-mid 4116 seems like a fair estimation for this child's year of birth (and death).

For this calculation, we cannot forget to take the "nameless one" into account. Therefore, Inrilatas' birth had to take place around two years after Serwa's at the earliest, that is, around early-to-mid 4117.
Inrilatas is frequently described as an "adolescent", meaning he was at least 13 during the events of TAE (and so would have been born in 4119 or before). However, Kelmomas' descriptions of him point to him being older:
Quote from: TWLW, Chapter 5
His growth had come, gilding his naked form in a golden haze of hair. And years of warring against his iron restraints had strapped his frame in luxurious muscle.
Quote from: TWLW, Chapter 5
He possessed a man's wrists now: the hands of a thick-fingered warrior.
Then, in TUC, upon seeing Sorweel, Kelmomas has this comparison to make:
Quote from: TUC, Chapter 12
The man was of an age with Inrilatas, even though he looked older for the onerous toll exacted by the trail.
As mentioned before, Sorweel was born around 4116. With this in mind and considering Inrilatas' appearance, I think it is indeed a fair assumption to have Inrilatas' birth taking place sometime in 4117.

Kelmomas and Samarmas
Early in TJE, we have this sentence:
Quote from: TJE Prologue
The seven-year-old could scarce imagine anyone more beautiful.
The prologue takes place in late autumn of 4131. Going by this piece of information, the twins either turned 7 earlier in 4131, which would give them a birth year of 4124, or would still turn 8 later that year, which would mean they were born in 4123.
The first time Kelmomas is actually referred to as being 8 years old is in the "What Has Come Before" section of TGO:
Quote from: TGO, What Has Come Before
Maithanet, genuinely surprised, turns to the eight-year-old, demanding to know what he has done.
This is, of course, referring to the confrontation between Maithanet and Inrilatas, which took place in chapter 8 of TWLW (late spring of 4132). So Kelmomas turned 8 at some point during the late autumn of 4131 and the late spring of 4132. As we can't discard the possibility of his birthday having taken place late in 4131, we can only conclude that Kelmomas and Samarmas were born sometime between late 4123 and early 4124.

Considering all of the above estimations, during the main events of TAE (not counting the prologue, so during 4132), we would have (approximately):
-Maithanet being between 47 and 52;
-Kayûtas being 19 (as he'd only turn 20 later in the year and the series ended in early autumn 4132);
-Thelli being 18 (again, would have turned 19 late in the year);
-Serwa being 17;
-Inrilatas being 15;
-Kelmomas and Samarmas, of course, being 8 (but with their 8th birthday possibly having taken place at some point).
It seems to make sense to me, anyone disagree or have anything they want to add to that?

As for Part III, that will cover, as mentioned, the birth dates of Moënghus the Elder, Koringhus and the Boy. I think I'll include Proyas in there too, and possibly Sorweel (to try to pinpoint when his birthday falls during the year). Stay tuned.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 02:55:03 pm by ThoughtsOfThelli »
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)


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« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2018, 12:01:41 am »
Still probably missing some characters, but here's Part III anyway.

Part III - Sons of Ishuäl and Ordealmen

Moënghus the Elder
While there isn't as much information to go on in this case as there is for previous characters, I will nonetheless try to make a fair guess. First of all, I'm making the assumption that Moënghus was no younger than 20 at Kellhus' birth, due to prior training, and the need for testing to decide which Dûnyain would get to father children. In Part I, I estimated that Kellhus was born in 4076 or 4077, so we'd have Moënghus being born no later than 4056 or 4057.
The upper limit for his age is trickier. The best way to go about this here is probably to try and figure out how old Moënghus was when he was taken captive by the Utemot in 4079. While there aren't any obvious references, he doesn't seem to be middle-aged, as Cnaiür himself was during PON. I'll make a (maybe unfounded) guess here and assume Moënghus was no older than 35 at this point (as it's likely he could have looked younger than his actual age - Dûnyain do seem to age well, if we consider how Kellhus looked in his 50s during TAE). That would result in an birth year between 4044 and 4057.
This is quite a large gap and not an estimation I'm very pleased with at the moment, so I may come back and change this one at a later time.

The absolute lower limit for Koringhus' age is easy to establish. Kellhus left Ishuäl in late autumn of 4109. I think it's unlikely that he would have been allowed to leave - danger of corruption by Moënghus or not - if he didn't yet have a son to continue the Anasûrimbor line. Thus, I think Koringhus was born no later than 4109 (since, as we know from the Boy's case, apparently Dûnyain can tell if a child is defective or shows promise by the time they're infants).
However, as that would make him only 23 during the events of TAE, it seems very likely that he is actually older, given that his son is referred to as a "boy" and not a toddler or young child. Making the same assumption I did for Moënghus and Kellhus' ages, if Koringhus was born when Kellhus was 20, that would give him a birth year of 4096 or 4097.
I'll also go ahead and assume (again, perhaps erroneously) that he's no younger than 30 during the events of TAE, meaning he'd have been born no later than 4102.
So that's my final estimation - Koringhus was born sometime between 4096 and 4102 (still a little unsure about this one, but at least I feel better about it than about the Moënghus one).

The Boy
Being that he is referred to as a "boy" and "child" and never as a "youth", "adolescent" or something of the sort, I'd guess that he cannot be any older than 12.
However, he is also referred as looking somewhat older than his actual age:
Quote from: TGO, Chapter 5
He was slender, and from the look of him, tall beyond his years.
Keeping in mind the "20-year assumption" made for Moënghus and Koringhus, we'd have him being born no later than 4122. This would make him 10 as of TGO. Though it actually seems to me that the Boy being no older than 10 makes more sense than no older than 12.
And comparing him to another (well, half- in this case) Dûnyain child, his half-uncle Kelmomas, I feel he's probably no younger than Kelmomas either. My best guess would then be that the Boy is somewhere between 8 and 10 years old, and thus was born between 4122 and 4124.

I have wanted to try and figure out Proyas' age properly for quite a while now.
What clues are there? Well, we know that Achamian was his tutor for 4 years:
Quote from: TDTCB, Chapter 3
For four years, Achamian had tutored him in the non-sorcerous arts.
We also know when those four years actually ended:
Quote from: TTT Glossary, "Charamemas"
Charamemas (4036-4108)--The famed Shrial commentator and author of The Ten Holies. Achamian's replacement as Proyas's tutor in exoterics in 4093.
Achamian might mean four years as in a) four years had passed from the time he began tutoring Proyas to the time he was replaced (which would mean he became Proyas' tutor in 4089) or b) that he was Proyas' tutor during the years 4090, 4091, 4092 and 4093 (which would still be four different years). The former seems more likely. I'm going to assume Proyas wasn't any younger than 6 when Achamian became his tutor, which would give him a birth year of 4083 at the latest. I'll also make the assumption that he was no older than 12 when Achamian was dismissed, which would mean he was born in 4081 at the earliest.
Conphas also thinks this about Proyas:
Quote from: TWP, Chapter 11
He could remember once--long ago it now seemed--thinking he and Proyas would become fast and famous friends over the course of the Holy War. They were both handsome. They were close in age.
Assuming "close in age" means something along the lines that Proyas was somewhere between 2 years older and 2 years younger than Conphas, taking Conphas' birth year (4084) into account, we'd have Proyas being born between 4082 and 4086. The overlap between this and the previous estimation leads me to conclude that Proyas was born in 4082 or 4083.

In TJE, Zsoronga tells Sorweel about the first time Kellhus' emissaries from the Three Seas arrived at his father's court:
Quote from: TJE, Chapter 10
"I was there," Zsoronga said, "when his first emissaries arrived in my father's court." He had the habit of making faces while he spoke, as though telling stories to a child. "I was only eight or nine at the time, I think, and I'm sure my eyes were as wide as oysters!"
The TUC glossary actually mentions when this took place:
Quote from: TUC Glossary, "Unification Wars"
4125 - First of the Angnaya are sent to the Palace of Plumes in Zeüm.
If Zsoronga was 8 or 9 years old in 4125, he'd have been born in 4116 or 4117 (I personally lean towards the former, as he gives the impression of being older than 15, but then again, he could look a bit older than his actual age).

Sorweel is mentioned as being 16 in the very first chapter of TJE (which takes place in the early spring of 4132):
Quote from: TJE, Chapter 1
"No, Father," he mumbled, suddenly feeling twig-thin--far younger than his sixteen years.
This would mean he was either born in 4115 (and would still turn 17 that year) or 4116 (had already turned 16 that year).
In TWLW, Sorweel reminisces about Grojehald, and we get another temporal reference:
Quote from: TWLW, Chapter 4
In his fourteenth winter, his father had brought him north on a punitive expedition to see their ancient and implacable enemy first-hand. Hoping to find supplies and accommodation, they had come to a Tower called Grojehald, only to find it sacked. The horrors he had seen there haunted his dreams still.
Grojehald is also mentioned in the TUC glossary:
Quote from: TUC Glossary, "Grojehald"
Grojehald--Horselord Tower on the Sakarpic Pale, overrun by Sranc in the winter of 4129.
If we take "his fourteenth winter" to mean he turned 14 that year, that would mean he was indeed born in 4115.
By the early autumn of 4132, Sorweel seems to still be 16 years old:
Quote from: TUC, Chapter 6
"Your father ..." he said, expending a breath that made him feel far older than his sixteen summers, ancient even.
This makes it seem like Sorweel was born in late 4115 (later in the autumn or in winter).

With this, I've estimated a birth year for all characters I had planned to cover in this project. There might still be a Part IV if I find enough information that seems enough for further estimation of character birth (or death) years.

EDIT: Today I also went and cleaned up Parts I and II, correcting some mistakes, adding more specific quotes, making quotes more "presentable", etc. I also added the calculation of the "nameless one"'s birth/death year to Part II (as I felt it didn't really belong in Part III).
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 02:57:11 pm by ThoughtsOfThelli »
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)