He does? I remember he mentions they are sort of an analogy to our subconscious made manifest, but I don't remember much of a big reveal. Must have missed something.
I thought the concrete real-world analogy to Kahneman's "systems 1 and 2" qualified as a "reveal."
Yes, this is the quandary.
Also, would you mind posting the time in in that STBYM podcast when the reveal comes up?
The way I see it, the world is basically a bicameral mind. There's a subconscious Outside that dictates what happens in the Real, although the catch is that the God is sleeping. This is why it's hard to see how the Inchoroi managed to "circumvent" the God unless it was fated to happen, like, I don't know, a tumor in the World eroding the boundaries.
Big Spoilers - damn... Lmao - the spoiler warnings come AFTER major spoilers about the world and the God. For the later listeners, the spoilers begin at 53:40 (26:25 remaining).
They do talk about Julian Jaynes for an early portion of the episode.
Something, something, blind brain theory, something something social ecology crash space heuristics.
Lol, again, +1. You're not a Bakker sockpuppet, right?
Like dark matter, we can't detect it but we observe it's effects...?
Not even that. We can't detect it, and we don't see any affects at all.
Choose your agnosia. It gets real strange.
(I'm new to discussing this stuff!! Apologies if my posts are a little naive)
No apology necessary, stuslayer.
Online Eye Test: Find Your Blind Spot in Each Eye!