Hi guys,
First, I'm new here so hello everyone, and I have so many questions about those books! Damn I love that serie! I have something like 20 open pages of this forum and reddit about the Second Apocalypse!
But I wanted to discuss some theory about the last book (I don't think I have read it anywhere yet, but maybe I just didn't looked enough). Oh and I'm French, so maybe something contradict my idea in the book and I missed it (no french translation for the Aspect-Emperor serie, that's why I just finished the last book even if I started it few weeks after the release). I kinda get that some part are hard to read even for native speakers
! Anyway, I'll try to organise my thoughts and write in english as well as I can.
Welcome! We have many international members

I'm glad you found us.
As you said, The Second Apocalypse (TSA) is difficult enough and I speak the language its written lol. Hopefully we can help. T
We do have a penchant for using acronyms and shorthand, which probably translate poorly, especially when talking about the book titles. I know that the french names for at least the first three differ slightly, so here's a list of all the acronyms we use for the books
TSA - The Second Apocalypse
PON - Prince of Nothing (Trilogy 1)
TDTCB - The Darkness That Comes Before (Book 1)
TWP - The Warrior Prophet (Book 2)
TTT - The Thousandfold Thought (Book 3)
TAE - The Aspect- Emperor (Trilogy 2)
TJE - The Judging Eye (Book 1)
WLW- The White Luck Warrior (Book 2)
TGO - The Great Ordeal (Book 3)
TUC - The Unholy Consult (Book 4)
TNG - The No-God (Trilogy 3)
According to Bakker, this consists of 2 books. One of them we refer to as The Crabikiad - long story behind that name. The other remains nameless.
Sorry if that was already obvious to you.
So, here is my idea. In my reading it make sens that Cnaïur isn't possessed by Ajokli at the end as I can read in many places, but instead become Ajokli.
I'm not sure there's much of a difference. I think the general idea is that Ajokli can fully posses his victims. Just like how Ajokli overtakes Kellhus in the Golden room, so too does he take control of Cnaiur.
When Ajokli is in control, there is nothing left of the other person in the body. Ajokli inhabits the body, and the previous soul is pushed to the outside. In Kellhus' circumstance, he was able to come back, and I think this is because Ajokli chose to switch places with Kellhus' soul in the outside when Kelmomas showed up.
I think I remember both of them being called "prince of hate".
"Both of them" referring to Cnaiur and Ajokli?
I can't remember for certain, but this seems correct.
When Mimara watch him with the JE she say it's weird and he is not just damned but some kind of demon already.
"Not just damned" - or even the most damned creature she ever saw.
Cnaiur's smoking swazond was an amazing scene.
You might recall that Kosotor also looked like a demon of some kind when Mimara looked at him.
At the end, when Cnaïur speak with his tribe and his son, he tell something like "you know what I am, and if you fuck with my son I'll kick yo ass even if I'm dead" (very bad paraphrasing).
I think this was more of an esoteric threat. Something that Cnaiur said to make his followers fear him from beyond the grave. I don't think that Cnaiur, or the Scylvendi, knew that Cnaiur was going to be a Ciphrang (if that is even what happened).
The gods are timeless so him become a god at the end of the book wouldn't contradict kellhus possessed before Cnaïur die.
There is a lot of confusion surrounding the timelessness of the gods. I do agree with you: Ajokli is fully capable of possessing both Kellhus and Cnaiur.
Plus I think the glossary tell something about Ajokli not being like the other gods.
There are some quotes throughout the books that suggest Ajokli is special in some way. I don't think there's much proof that says exactly how or why.
Many other little things would make sens, like him being a big shard to begin with, and the many swazonds helping his soul grow (all the dead would be souls clamed by his own in the outside).
I'm not sure Cnaiur started out
big, but he certainly ended up that way.
There certainly does seem to be something to the swazond and the soul collecting. If anyone could be a Ciphrang, it would be Cnaiur.
Finally, wouldn't be the best vengeance against Kellhus to trick him and control him, and at last seize him when he is in the GR (even if that part didn't work as expect, thanks Kelmomas)?
Oh, I see now what you mean. You're theory is that Ajokli
is Cnaiur. Or put another way, that Cnaiur became Ajokli.
That's a pretty interesting idea. I'm going to have to think on it some.
So what do you think? I would love him reaching the godhood status by pure hate against Kellhus!
Great thoughts! Thanks for posting.
Whatever you do, don't feel the need to search everywhere before you make a new topic or ask a question. Just start posting

I mean, it is plausible, but while some of Ajokli's traits certainly line up, others really do not. So, where Ajokli is the Prince of Hate, he is also a trickster, something that doesn't really describe Cnaiur. I think, more likely, is that Ajokli takes the mantle of Cnaiur because there is overlap and so, in that sense, there is an "opening" for which Ajokli can come through.
I'm not so sure that "The Trickster God" is a particularly good description of Ajokli anyway. Cunning, sure, and smart, able to make people do things. A great tactician. All these things, while perhaps could be considered tricky, calling them tricky, or labeling Ajokli as a 'trickster' really misses the mark. In my opinion at least.
Cnaiur becoming the Ajokli we see at the end of TUC makes a lot of sense. There is a lot of poetic justice to it, and it fits with the reoccurring theme of people creating their own demise