They should be at odds with eachother in the Outside - that would just make sense. Kellhus as Ajokli and Cnaiur as Gilgaol.
Unfortunately, with Gilgaol absent in TUC (plot-wise), there seems less of a chance. "Prince of Hell" seems to indicate Ajokli, and obviously Kellhus' everything seems to indicate Ajokli as well. But, either could be either, maybe Kellhus is Gilgaol? He does war with everything ...
If you think about Gilgaol's place in the Outside (allegedly the strongest god except for maybe Yatwer) and Ajokli (Outcast of the Gods, plotting against them to overthrow them, etc.) it kind of makes sense to put Kellhus in there as Gilgaol and Cnaiur as Ajokli. Maybe not so much character personality, but big-picture plotwise you can kind of shoehorn it in there?