Thanks a lot.
It would be nice to see the POV section extended for TGO and TUC. In fact, TGO doesn't even have it's own page until now.
Who is the character who gets possessed by the White luck in TJE. Even though I only read the series a few months ago, I don't remember anything close to that scene. It's probably my fault, as I tend to miss some of the more obvious things.
I guess it's already time for a reread. 
I will try to add those updates to the wiki when I can.

We never know the actual name of the man who becomes the first White-Luck Warrior, he is just referred to as such and later as Issiral.
To be sure, it's a short passage, so it's not hard to forget it's there.

But rereads are always a good way to find things you hadn't noticed before!