Ok, ill go a little more in depth so...(you're not scratching your head).

A paragraph or two before that quote is this one. And, you have to know the Eye is open watching Koringhus through all of this.
The Survivor drew a sleeve across his hideousness, looked to him, his son. The Legion-within howled and clamoured, stamped and spit. Only now did he understand …
Ignorance. Only ignorance had sealed the interval between them. Only blindness, the wilful idiocy that was worldborn love.
Then directly
after my first quote, scene cut, then this.
The Eye watches. Approves.
Now, remember before all of this Koringhus and every other Dûnyain is damned by the Eye. So, this is proof that whatever watches from Mimara, the Eye, the Cubit, the God, whatever you wanna call it, offers salvation. Koringhus went from damned to being approved, by Just understanding the Eye/Cubit. Its proof in my book, Qirri high or no...
ETA: in my book, Koringhus sees
farther than Kellhus. Can see its his only chance at salvation, and makes the leap...the leap, that is his.
ETAA: not only understanding. The Eye sees that he loves his son, also. He has a heart, isn't just a ruthless Dûnyain. Take in the whole chapter: Demua Mountains, TGO and you'll get a better grasp at what happens.