Considering that Cants of Compulsion is one of the most expressive examples about the darkness that comes before... I reckon a second innuteral can upgrade it to some really heavy ordnance. The question is what "direction" the upgrade will unfold?
In case of attack on causality, sorcerer can probably mimic a poor man's white luck. Let's say it is achieved through establishing convenient, conditioned time-loops and "trapping" the world itself into sorcerer's mind until the preferable scenario plays itself out. Essentially, a quicksave-quickload.
In case of accent on human consciousness, it can kinda turn any mind into a rewritable, unlocked text? Imagine if a dunyain is able to work through all the layers of it's own psyche, optimising it, evolving, reshaping — doing in a matter of hours a job that even Ishual was not capable to do in thousand of years. Essentially, a character's skill editor.