49 last year, that's a huge amount for me.
I want to say that reading 4 books a month was way to much for me, but I think a lot of that was because nearly every one was a new story and not a sequel of some kind. This year I'm going to focus on finishing out some of the great stories I've started in the last handful of years. I suspect I might end up reading a lot of them quickly but I don't want to push to hard and miss something.
So I'll try for a modest 30.
Edit: Made it! Got to 32, see below.
Series I'd like to finish
Traitor Son (Cameron) - 4 books
Gap Cycle (Donaldson) - 4 books
Rejoice: A Knife to the Heart (Erikson) - 1 Book
Three Body (Liu) -
2 1 book
sShattered Sigil (Schaffer) -
2 1 book
sBooks of Babel (Bancroft) -
2 1 book
sArcane Ascension (Rowe) -
2 1 book (unpublished)
Poppy War (Kuang) -
2 1 book (unpublished)
The Magicians (Grossman) - 3 bookLightbringer (Weeks) - 5 booksNew Crobuzon (Mieville) - 3 booksEchopraxia (Watts) - 1 bookFarseer (Hobb) - 3 booksUnhewn Throne (Staveley) - 3 booksNight's Dawn (Hamilton) - 3 booksRed Rising (Brown) - 3 booksFifth Season (Jemisin) - 3 booksMistborn (Sanderson) - 3 booksI'd also like to get to these if there's time:
Saga of the Seven Suns (Anderson) - 5 books
Powder Mage (McClellan) - 2 books
Acts of Cain (Stover) - 2 books
Codex Alera (Butcher) - 4 books
Expanse (Corey) - 4 books
Night Angel (Weeks) - 2 books
...Maybe I'll just have to read more.
January (Total: 5)
1) Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
2) Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley
3) The Last Mortal Bond by Brian Staveley
4) Golden Son by Pierce Brown
5) Morning Star by Pierce Brown
February (Total: 8 )
1) Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
2) Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
3) Arm of the Sphinx by Josiah Bancroft
March (Total: 8 )
0 books

. Don't judge me, Neutronium Alchemist is a big book!
April (Total: 11)
1) The Neutronium Alchemist by Peter F Hamilton
2) Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb
3) Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb
May (Total: 12)
1) The Naked God by Peter F Hamilton
(Yes, seriously just 1 book. Shutup, Naked God is even bigger than Neutronium Alchemist!)
June (Total: 15)
1) The Obelisk Gate by N K Jemisin
2) The Stone Sky by N K Jemisin
3) The Scar by China Mieville
July (Total: 19)
1) The Tainted Crown by Meg Cowley
2) The Black Prism by Brent Weeks
3) Echopraxia By Peter Watts
4) On the Shoulders of Titans by Andrew Rowe
August (Total: 23)
1) The Tainted City by Courtney Schafer
2) The Poppy War by R F Kuang
3) The Dragon Republic by R F Kuang
4) The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks
September (Total: 25)
1) Iron Council by China Mieville
2) The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North
October (Total: 28)
1) Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey
2) The Gunslinger by Stephen King
3) The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks
November (Total: 30)
1) Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
2) The Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks
December (Total: 32)
1) The Burning White by Brent Weeks
2) The Magician's Land by Lev Grossman