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Whats WoD?
In the mean time I decided to make another project I would actually complete (the core of) within a few days. I realised that a scalper game would have an indeterminant point of completion - and from experience, I tell you those drain your enthusiasm. So I decided to bang off a different text based game in the mean time. Which I've almost finished polishing off.I still have the Scalper game (tentatively called 'Scalper Legion') files on my comp. Often the process is attempting to lure enthusiasm out of prospective players before putting in more enthusiasm yourself (while they meanwhile attempt to lure enthusiasm out of you before putting in enthusiasm, lol!). So I'll turn my mind to luring enthusiasm soon! :mrgreen:
WoD = World of Darkness aka White Wolf Games products. I think scalpers are a great option. I recruited a new playgroup after my first one mutinied on me and played a game where they were the Skin Eaters, escorting Achamian. Worked well for a limited time game. For a more open ended solution, i'd just throw the whole balance thing out the window. You could really use any of the D&D type games.