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Messages - Hirtius/Pansa

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General Earwa / Re: Audiobook?
« on: July 31, 2014, 10:29:20 pm »
I agree Wilshire, I had just finished The First Law on audiobook about three weeks ago.  In fact, I just got paper-version of Best Served Cold from the library and it's sitting on my coffetable.  And I agree, Pacey is absolutely fantastic.  Although I'll ask you just so I don't feel insane, but doesn't Pacey's voice for Sand dan Glokta sound EXACTLY like Stewie Griffin from Family Guy.  Like, uncannily so.

General Earwa / Re: To Madness...
« on: July 16, 2014, 10:08:22 pm »
Oh.... I just found about this juicy thread.  Very interesting. 

Only two things Madness:  I don't mind more exposition.  Exposition= more information = greater apprehension.  But in your honest opinion, is the exposition mechanism of TUC delivered and articulated in an organic and non-clunky way?

Also, is there more of Iyokus?  Simple yea or nay.  I mean, he was a pretty important secondary character in PON and the Blind Necromancer seems too important to just be with the Great Ordeal, get about ONE line of dialogue in WLW... and then die at Dagliash.  There's got to be more.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (III)
« on: May 22, 2014, 08:01:24 am »
I think I need to carve a Circumfix on my forehead.  I'm then going to supplicate myself before the Holy Emperor.  If you all will excuse me.

Seriously, this is going to be my laptop background for a few weeks.  Par Excellence as usual Som.

General Earwa / Re: TSACast (SA Podcast)
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:58:28 am »
*slow golf clap    Very nice gentlemen.  I mean, this truly is a red letter day for this community.  Although, I'm not sure with what regularity you're planning on releasing future installments

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Saccarees & the Dunyain
« on: May 13, 2014, 02:15:20 am »
Hasn't Bakker iterated that Earwa is five times the size of Europe?  So presumably the distance between Tryse and Mehtsonc is the equivalent of the distance between London and maybe, Samarkand on the Iranian plateau.  I can't imagine that enough Ketyai would have an established community in Kuniuri to have that much of an effect on the ethnic composition of the Dunyain sect.  And we don't know for sure how cosmopolitan Sauglish is or any cities of the Ancient North.  But it's all speculation still.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Saccarees & the Dunyain
« on: May 12, 2014, 05:59:09 am »
If the description of the gold trimmed robed Schoolman is indeed Saccarees, and if he is a Nilnameshi, doesn't that immediately discredited him as being a bona fide Dunyain?  Aren't all Dunyain just by merit of their geography and eugenics breeding all going to be Norsirai.  While a Nilnameshi would be a completely different ethnic group.  I'm one to support the notion that Saccarees is basically one of Kellhus greatest pupils and has been training and training him.  The conclusion being, that even a world-born human through tremendous cognitive discipline, mental focus and zeal can actually grasp the Metagnosis, grasp it, but certainly not master it like the Holy Aspect-Emperor.

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Favorite Scenes
« on: May 11, 2014, 07:05:48 pm »
If I'm to track my investment in the series on an emotional level.  I would have to say that the prologue of TDTCB was an attention-getter.  I always found Kellhus first experiences with the outside world disturbingly similar to Shelley's Frankenstein's Monster when he first escapes and has intelligence but lack the awareness to cognitively understand the world, so his mode of description is always very weird.  I was hooked by the Battle of Kiyuth.  "Battle-prose" is something that only a select few genre writers can truly excel at, Kiyuth showed me that Bakker would be no slouch when it came to the intricacies of tactics and localized strategies.  But I was genuinely sold by the series when Conphas returns to Momemn for his triumph.  I, no hyperbole, had to reread that chapter three times because I didn't quite understand how Xerius had out maneuvered his nephew.  Every time now, I get chills as soon as Conphas stops being passive-aggressive and becomes supplicant before his uncle, like someone flipped a switch his demeanor.

But my all time favorite scene is actually something that seems really slight in comparison to the other set-piece moments in the books.  When Skaurus observes the tactical situation at Mengedda.  Saubon orders his longbowmen to basically take pot shots at the enemy commander and Grandees.  When Skaurus isn't fazed at all and just pulls out a knife and starts filing his nails, I remember I was reading TWP in the University Law Library and I guffawed so loudly at the audacity of this Sapatishah, that I was asked to leave premises. Lol  I miss Skaurus, he deserved more page-time, oh well.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. III
« on: May 10, 2014, 06:54:28 pm »
Yes!  As if the loss of the Incu-Holoinas as a sustainable power source or some such led to a decay or degeneration of the Incies bio-armor or other armaments.  The TTT appendix says something to the extent that the Inchies began to exhaust their technological weapons as the war with the Cunoroi continued.  So they clearly had no way to replace their arms or armor.  But it's all conjecture, because all we have is the subjective description from the TTT appendix, which is based on the subjective accounts of the Isuphriyas, based the subjective perspectives of the Quya who survived the war... Bakker man,  he's just screwing with our heads. 

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. III
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:11:30 pm »
To be honest this is one of the more interesting things that I've observed from Bakker's prose in regards to anything involving the Inchies.  Basically he has to articulate standard sci-fi tropes, but in the patois of these fantasy cultures and characters who wouldn't know a microwave from a hyperspace drive.  The Heron Spear is what it is called by the Three Seas due to its physical traits, but the phrase "laser beam rifle" would never appear in text, and rightfully so as it would seem super out of place.  The Incu-Holoinas is never described as a "spaceship", although we know it is one.  Constantly, metal and iron are used to described the Wracu, and many on these boards have come to the conclusion that they are somewhat cybernetically enhanced by the tekne.  But the phrase "cybernetic bio-engineered war-beast" is never used in text.  So I think it comes with the territory with the Inchoroi, that the language used isn't necessarily truly indicative of what we are observing, buy merely though the lens of these Earwans peoples.  So when I hear "festering corpse armor" my mind conjures something much more science fiction in function.  But of course the Inchies may adorn themselves with literal corpses for battle as rite or some kind of tradition, I don't know.  Does this block of text make sense? 

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. III
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:52:21 am »
Damn, that it what I would call aesthetically pleasing. :)  A query for you Som, Is your copper tree of Siol interpretation a deliberate homage to the design of Nimloth the Fair of Tolkien fame?

I may be alone in this, but I was never one to take the description of "corpse armor" to be so bluntly literal.  In my soul's eye, I just imagined some really gothic and nasty looking tekne power armor.  I know its a much more low-brow franchise, but I see something  that wouldn't look out of place with the Chaos Space Marines from Warhammer 40K.  Speaking of which, I think the entities of the Warp would get along just fine with the Inchies and the rest of their ilk.

Lol Thank you for bringing back memories of Reign of Fire, Madness.  That gloriously pulp film.  What's the name of that Nilnameshi Prince?  The Scion of a Thousand Songs or some such, the Warrior-Poet. If he didn't die at Irsulor,  I can imagine him going out like Van Zan against a Wracu.  Such a glorious death would be worthy of an epic ballad.  "Do it for the ballad." has presumably been the Medieval equivalent of "Do it for the vine."

General Misc. / Re: Sons of Anarchy (TV Show) [Spoilers (Seasons 1-6)]
« on: February 17, 2014, 11:41:31 pm »
I actually had just watched the four aired episodes of True Detective so I could be caught up for episode 5 yesterday Madness.  So excellent.  I think we should all dispose of the Good Cop/Bad Cop cliche and embrace the Jerkass Hypocrite Cop/Existential Nihilist Cop trope that is Marty and Rust.

As for my education, I'm just a derpy Sophomore undergrad.  Most of my classes are either English Literature, Political Science or Classics.  Second Apocalypse is right up my alley as it were.  :)

General Misc. / Re: Sons of Anarchy (TV Show) [Spoilers (Seasons 1-6)]
« on: February 17, 2014, 04:37:00 am »
I saw in another thread that you visit TVTropes, so I think I can accurately say that both Gemma and Juice and firmly in "Karma Houdini" territory at his point lol.  Although it is an interesting debate, whether auteurs and creators are somehow obligated to give their audiences a sense of cathartic retribution in regards to characters that have committed heinous atrocities.  This was a hot topic when Breaking Bad was ending, was Walter White supposed to be punished for all the crimes he committed to satisfy the audience's desire for justice?  I can roll either way honestly, whether Gemma gets off scot-free but has to live with all she's done or if she goes to prison or what have you.  It still stands though, that the relationship between an artist and his audience can be a unstable one.

I will note the titles of those books and biographies, hopefully I'll get to read them at some point although it won't be until the summer after I'm back from University.

Also, amusingly enough, I just saw on Wikipedia that although S7 is going to be the last for SOA, apparently Sutter is in talks with FX to do a prequel series in the late 60's about the founding of SAMCRO with young JT and Clay as the protagonists.  We'll wait and see what comes of it.

General Misc. / Re: Sons of Anarchy (TV Show) [Spoilers (Seasons 1-6)]
« on: February 16, 2014, 01:15:37 am »
I know next to nothing about Biker Crime Syndicates, could you recommend some books or share some insights?

Time for personal aside.  I usually don't give specific predictions for the endgames of fictional narratives.  Seems a bit unfun I know, but it actually helps me a little mentally.  Here's my rationale, and also what I usually observe from other people.

I predict plot event X will occur:  Event X occurs, ergo this story is predictable, simple and not worth my time.
I predict plot event X will occur:  Event Y occurs, by mentally conditioning myself to believe that event X is where the story is heading I'm disappointed and frustrated about event Y being the alternative.

I try to just organically observe stories unfolding and critique them on the fly.  This has actually helped my enjoyment of several shows, at least in an analytical sense.  I brought up the Shakespeare connection as a way to interrogate Sutter's possible understanding of his own universe and how it is going to resolve.

All that being said:  If Thomas, Abel, Chibbs and Bobby walk out of this series alive, I think I'd be okay with anything else happening lol.  A lot of events this past season have soured me on the notion of the Sons as being our "Flawed Anti-Heroes" who should have our admiration.  I don't even know if I want  this organization, this family unit to succeed and rise out of the muck and mire of its criminal history.  Maybe Charming is better off without them...  There are just a few, and I mean a few characters I'd like to leave this series alive and in one piece.

General Misc. / Re: Sons of Anarchy (TV Show) [Spoilers (Seasons 1-6)]
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:48:45 pm »
Strangely enough Madness, our previous discussion on knowledge of history being the gateway to our understanding of fantasy cultures and peoples has some bearing on this, we should consider "what comes before" in regards to our knowledge of SOA.  It's no secret that this show is Sutter's giant love letter to Macbeth and Hamlet, with characters being various analogues and the thematic structure etc. etc.  But, should we consider Shakespeare's plays as the model for the resolution of the narrative of SOA.  If Jax is Hamlet... everyone will be dead by the end of S7, everyone.  If Jax is Macbeth... then maybe a Malcolm/Macduff figure will come to finally end all the degradation and violence that the sons have wrought.  Patterson maybe?  Or should we discard the allusions to Shakespeare entirely?

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