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Messages - Aural

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 23
Light, Time, and Gravity / Re: Who is the real sociopath?
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:45:55 pm »
Title could be a spoiler?

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: TDTCB, PRLG
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:28:08 pm »
Is that it? I imagined him hugging animals to himself to stay warm at night...

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: TDTCB, PRLG
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:33:24 pm »
At night he would take animal comfort in the dark and cold.

Can someone tell me what that line means? What exactly is animal comfort?

General Earwa / Re: The Dûnyain
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:51:30 pm »
How about the Dunyain are keepers of the Kelmomian prophecy?  Set us to ensure both the survival of the Anasaurimbor line and that the harbinger of the Second Apocalypse would be capable in every way possible.  This brings up an interesting question: why was Moenghus exiled to begin with??

I think they’re the “keepers of the Celmomian prophecy,” but without actually knowing it.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: TDTCB, Ch. 17
« on: February 04, 2015, 05:54:51 pm »
I hardly think it's going to take my whole life to finish the Almanac,

That’s an unknown variable, though...

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: TDTCB, Ch. 17
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:38:08 pm »
I'm sad this appears to be over. Madness' summaries/commentary was insightful and fun.

IIRC, Madness said on the Podcast that once the series is over he plans to spend the rest of his life working on the Almanac.

Neuropath / Re: Read This Book
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:33:26 pm »
Can anyone tell me what the connection between Neuropath--specifically this cover--and this book is? Those are the same pictures of the hair and hands on the covers.

General Earwa / Re: Eärwa Maps
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:34:07 pm »
The ones on the left are categories, you can classify individual pins under each one. My intention was to create a brief timeline for each of the main characters and for the progress of the Holy War. It doesn’t seem like the entries can be arranged by date, but it can still be done.

General Earwa / Re: Eärwa Maps
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:09:47 pm »
That is pretty cool :D, though all the pins weren't working on my computer. Still a fun idea though.

I started that map yesterday for the most part to try wikia’s maps feature. The pins are working, but I only added one pin next to Ishuäl [you can add them by clicking on the icon in the bottom-right corner]. I hope others will contribute going forward.

Literature / Re: Steven Erikson (The 3.5 million word journey?)
« on: January 29, 2015, 12:19:53 pm »
Are you supposed to read the Ian Esslemont novels after the 10 Erikson books? I hear someone suggest reading them in-between the 1o books....

For example, you read "Night of Knives" after "Midnight Tides". Anyone here know the correct way of dealing with this? I just found out about this co- author.

General Earwa / Re: Dune (Frank Herbert) and TSA (Bakker)
« on: January 29, 2015, 04:46:51 am »
Inchoroi with their womb-Ark and other Tekne artifacts seem a better candidate for both Tleilaxu and Ix.  Mentats and Bene Gesserit are better mapped onto the Dunyain.

Well, Bakker has been quoted up-thread as saying that the Inchoroi owe nothing to the Tleilaxu. But I guess you can disagree with that.

General Earwa / Re: Dune (Frank Herbert) and TSA (Bakker)
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:57:16 pm »
Then it’s all three... The BG for the breeding program, the Mentat for the abilities, and the Tleilax for the Axlotl tanks.

General Earwa / Re: Dune (Frank Herbert) and TSA (Bakker)
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:57:39 pm »
Nice discussion, all. I think with the Dûnyain Bakker might have combined the Bene Gesserit and the Tleilaxu. That’s all I’ve got.

General Earwa / Re: Ciphrang Throughout History
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:18:33 pm »
Ok, thanks. It’s been some time that I didn’t remember.

General Earwa / Re: Ciphrang Throughout History
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:44:15 pm »
Do Ciphrang get killed by Chorae?

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